Friday, 19 June 2009


Journey with Joseph as God builds the man through life's trails.

* I have no control over the content of the brief introductory advertising clip. *

Monday, 15 June 2009

Marks of a Good Church

If you're searching... How to recognise a good church...

* I have no control over the content of the brief introductory advertising clip. *

Saturday, 13 June 2009


In days of crisis where can we place our confidence? In Climate, in Cash, in Government Control? No sir! But in Christ! In the Gospel, in Faith, and in Prayer!

* I have no control over the content of the brief introductory advertising clip. *

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Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Boozers are Losers

The dangers of drink and drunkenness according to the Bible. A needful warning.

* I have no control over the content of the brief introductory advertising clip. *

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The Lost Son

The prodigal son returns from the pig pen to the father's warm embrace. What a picture for us of God's gracious welcome for the repentant sinner. A stirring retelling of the Gospel account and of the grace of salvation.

* I have no control over the content of the brief introductory advertising clip. *

The Three Comings of Christ

Our Lord is headed back to planet earth any day soon. Are you ready? Our Lord is coming back for a prepared people!

* I have no control over the content of the brief introductory advertising clip. *

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Restoring the Reverence

It's been lost - the reverence, the fear of God... It can be regained if we would just get back to the Bible and God's truth again.

Aussie preacher says it like it is at Church For You Adelaide...

* Note: I have no control over the content of the brief introductory video clip. *

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Be Not Deceived!

Our Lord warns against times of deception. It is one of the hallmarks of these last days, as we see a shift away from truth to whatever appeals to the masses. A challenging timely word for the church today.

The Sin Virus

It's in pandemic proportions, the greatest threat to mankind. This virulent strain that infects every human being across planet earth has one antidote only. Have you found the anti-virus? A vital message for you and your family.

* Note: I have no control over the content of the brief introductory advertising clip. *

You can Bounce Back!

You can rebound from failure and disaster and find hope and victory in Christ!

An encouraging sermon to inspire and bless your life!

* Note: I have no control over the content of the brief introductory advert. *

Do Your Duty

As God's servants we are called to humility and obedience. It is our great joy and privilege to serve as would please our Master. Be encouraged to be a worker On His Majesty's Service.

* Note: I have no control over the content of the brief introductory advertising clip. *

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Communion time

Bro Joshua shares a message at the Lord's table. Psalm 51.