Thursday, 12 November 2009

The Doctrine of the Bible

Our Bible. It has a wonderful inspiration and integrity. And its application is out of this world! Hear Aussie preacher on the truth of God's Word as real and applicable for us today!

* Note: I have no control of the content of the short introductory advert. *

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Preach the Word

God has ordained preaching as His prime method of communicating His message to the world. For the world it can seem as foolishness, but for us who believe it is God's soul saving truth.

* Note: I have no control of the content of the short introductory advert. *

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A Little Leaven

Leaven pictures sin, false teaching. How we need sound Biblical doctrine, declared, and held fast.

* Note: I have no control of the content of the short introductory advert. *

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The unity of God's people in His Truth. Aussie preacher, David Craig.

* Note: I have no control of the content of the short introductory advert. *

Be A Witness

What does it mean to be a witness? Why? Who? How? A challenge to think about being a witness for Christ.

* Note: I have no control of the content of the short introductory advert. *

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Three Sure Things

This is the Victory - our faith wins through. This is the Record - we are assured of Eternal Life. This is the Confidence - He hears us. An encouraging Aussie sermon.

* Note: I have no control of the content of the short introductory advert. *

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How to Pray

Elijah was a man with like passions. He prayed expectantly, earnestly, and effectually. Listen for God's whisper. The still, small voice.

* Note: I have no control of the content of the short introductory advert. *

The Judgment Seat of Christ

Are you ready? This is an appointment you will not miss. Fellow Christian get ready for it and tremble.

* Note: I have no control over the content in the brief introductory advertising clip. *

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How Paul served Christ

How do we serve the Lord? The Apostle Paul served the Lord with humility, tears, and trials. Aussie preacher exhorts to a real faith that serves, no matter what.

* Note: I have no control over the content in the brief introductory advertising clip. *

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Come Unto Jesus

Come unto Jesus. Isaiah 55. David Craig is the preacher.

* Note: I have no control over the content in the brief introductory advertising clip. *

Grace in His Eyes

God's grace is so unexpected. Have you found grace in His eyes? A great exhortation about the grace of God to mankind.

* Note: I have no control over the content in the brief introductory advertising clip. *

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Fight the Good Fight of the Faith

Have you got what it takes to be a Soldier of Christ? A call to active service. Enter the conflict that is Christian living. Enlist today! Find courage and conviction. It's a real warfare. But with Christ you're on the winning side! Aussie preacher urges you to the front lines!

* Note: I have no control over the content in the brief introductory advertising clip. *

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A Man sent from God

John the Baptist models for us what God wants of men. A man, with a mission, with a message. He was sent, not bearing the Gospel of self esteem, but one of repentance and true conversion.

* Note: I have no control over the content in the brief introductory advertising clip. *

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It's vital - without Holiness no man shall see the Lord. What does it mean? How do we get it? God has two abodes - the holy heaven and the holy heart...

* Note: I have no control over the content in the brief introductory advertising clip. *

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Wait on the Lord

Feeling worn? If you wait on the Lord you shall renew your strength - you shall mount up with wings as an eagle - you shall run and not be weary - you shall walk and not faint. An encouraging message from an Aussie preacher.

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The Assembly of God

God's church - like it's meant to be. Why church is relevant and necessary for every one!

* Note: I have no control over the content in the brief introductory advertising clip. *

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The Blood of Jesus Christ

His Blood has power against sin, to cleanse, cancel, cut and conquer.

* Note: I have no control over the content in the brief introductory advertising clip. *

Stand Fast in the Lord

In a day of seeker sensitive churchianity GOD is the real seeker - searching for a man to stand in the gap, to stand against the tide, to stand fast in the faith.

* Note: I have no control over the content in the brief introductory advertising clip. *

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What's fasting all about and its benefits. A sermon from David Craig, Australia.

* Note: I have no control over the content in the brief introductory advertising clip. *

How to Serve God

Aussie preacher outlines what real service of God looks like... It's to His Glory, it's done with Gladness, and it's by our being willing to be used of God as He Gifts us to do so.

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