Saturday, 23 April 2011

Grace, Mercy and Peace

At the cross we find Grace, Mercy, and Peace in the absolute act of Calvary. It is there that we see God at work in His work of salvation.

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Lord, have Mercy on me

Kevin Currell, Aussie evangelist ministers about the mercy of God revealed in how He works within our lives, even when facing times of suffering and testing.

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When to Judge - when not to Judge

The Bible teaches there are times to judge and times not to judge.

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Friday, 22 April 2011

Set Thine House in Order

The Lord wants our lives, our homes, our churches, to be in order. He prompts a godly order, a godly fear, and a godly honour within our homes and marriages.

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Learn Not...

Learn not the way of the heathen - it's about a radical mindshift! A message against worldliness, fleshliness, and the popular pagan ways, including pride, sinful associations, and vain worldly philosophies, including in dress, music, worship, and fashion.

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Healing and the Gifts

Does God heal today? Can man heal today? What is the purpose of the 'sign gifts'? What is the difference between healing and the 'gifts' of healing?

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Personal Revival

An exhortation to move from a theology of the mind to a theology of the heart!

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Speaking in Tongues

Where did the 'unknown tongues' movement begin? What are true 'tongues' in Scripture?

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The History of the Pentecostal Movement

The amazing history of the Pentecostal movement traced from the seeds of the Holiness movement to the beginning of the Pentecostal movement in 1901.

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The Baptism with the Holy Spirit, The Filling

What does the 'Baptism with the Spirit' refer to in Scripture? How has it been understood in historical Christianity? What is the difference between the 'Baptism with the Spirit' and the Filling by the Spirit'?

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The King is Coming

Some End Time Changes... The Government will change - a new King will take over and reign worldwide; a Governor Who is perfectly just and kind. The Environment will experience a dramatic climate change - to absolute righteousness and peace. And the Employment will change - full and fulfilling employment, as we serve Him. The Lord is coming. Occupy till He comes!

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The Person of the Holy Spirit

The key things the Bible says about the Person of the Holy Spirit. A message from Terry Arnold.

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To Be Like Him

The absolute role model for living the victorious Christian life - our true source. How can we be truly Christlike? Our guide for life, prayer, relationships. Serve like Him. Reach out like Him. Know His heart. he says, "Learn of Me."

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Love Not The World

Does the world draw you? Do you conform to it? Or will you be a pilgrim? The world's desires and traps are a danger to be warned of and steer clear of. Be unspotted. Replace a love for the world with a love for the Lord.

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Better Things

What counts? Will we choose to worship Him? There is no better place. Will we choose His Word? Wisdom is better than rubies. Will we fear Him? The fear of the Lord is better than great treasure. Better a day in the courts of the Lord than a thousand elsewhere.

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Bible Unity

Biblical unity has its basis in truth. It is not a unity at the expense of God's truth. It prompts a contending for the Faith and a stedfast separation and purity from sin and error.

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As a wrestler, we are meant to strive. Yet the average Christian shies away from any discomfort or inconvenience. Do we strive for the mastery? There is a struggle for which we must learn to tap into a strength beyond our own.

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How can we be faithful? God is. Is our conduct becoming? Have we a different spirit? Like Daniel. Do we live consistent lives? What is the Gospel according to you? Are we ready for Heaven - and living like it now? A plea to examine ourselves and aspire to faithfulness.

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What does the Bible say about the mind? Soundness of mind, soberness, a renewed mind, the mind of Christ, and humility of mind. Think on these things! God says my thoughts are not your thoughts. How can we we our brain-space wisely?

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Walk the Walk

Choosing the right path, the right companions, and the right shoes!

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Thursday, 21 April 2011

Be a Hero!

Are you one of the champions? One of the real heroes of our generation? Will you have a good report? The hallmarks of heroes include courage, power, and commitment. A call to aspire to be a faith hero. You can be heroic, by faith!

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Wake up Australia!

Sounding the alarm for Aussies against lukewarmness, false doctrine, national decay, and negligence. It is a serious hour. We need to awake to obedience to God, a sense of eternity, and to holiness.

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Core Mission

Our Lord is on a mission. To seek and to save the lost. It is still His mission today. And we share in that mission. We are called to be men and women on a mission. What is "mission critical"? Do we keep in touch with "Mission Control"? How will we know if it is "Mission accomplished"?

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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Relationship with God

Brad ministers around the Lord's Table exhorting folk to a closer walk with the Lord. Not putting things, even the things of God, above our key responsibility - our RELATIONSHIP with God.

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Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Revival Fire

Our God is a consuming fire. Fire in the Word of God manifests His presence, and shows His way. It protects, cleanses, and consumes. And it comes down. It reflects God's work within us. Get re-ignited!

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Reviving Our First Love

Has your love for God fallen into a state of dry ritualism? How can we revive that first love we once knew when we were first saved? What does it mean to love God? This seminar will answer these questions and more.

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Reviving Our Faith

Do you feel like your faith is weak? That you find it hard to believe God? Is your faith so weak that you could never consider preaching the gospel for fear of man? Do you shudder to think of martyrdom? Do you find yourself thinking, "If only I could see a miracle, my faith would be strengthened? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, this seminar is for you!

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Personal Responsibility

We have come to think that all we need do as Christians is turn up at church and have our problems solved by Pastor Solve All or pay our taxes and have our family problems solved by the government. The Bible teaches something radically different. This seminar will lay the foundation for family and church revival and the necessary ingredients, personal responsibility, accountability and confession.

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Monday, 18 April 2011

The Missing Piece

For many life is like a puzzle with a missing piece. Wholeness and healing is possible. Wellness and wellbeing comes by relationship with, and learning the nature of Christ. He speaks peace still.

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Seven Words

Christ's gripping last words from the cross. Picture His agony as He uttered these telling words. David Craig.

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Blood on Hands

Our responsibility is grave. Will the blood of precious souls be upon our hands? Be a witness and tell others the saving message!

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Zeal for the Lord

What is it that we are zealous about? We are to be a people zealous of good works. Is this evident in your prayer life? In your priorities? Is God at work in His power, unleashed in your life? An exhortation to zeal!

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Sunday, 17 April 2011

Thy Word

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Honour the Word, obey it, and apply it. Continue in His Word.

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