Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Worldliness is a danger to the Christian home. A message to rouse the godly to discernment, action, separation, and non-conformity. Beware of leaven in the lump, of conforming, the spirit of worldliness, and being turned aside by worldly cares. The god of this world wants you to settle for shallowness and to be your friend. We need to recognise the enemy. A call to renewed conviction and stedfastness! Join the resistance!

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Jochebed, mother of Moses, Aaron and Miriam, shows how it is done. Her motherly courage, conviction, and care is seen in how she handled the challenges facing her.

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Message from Australia's Nation Building Conference. How can we be salt and light within our communities? There are impacts and influences all around us. What of the impact and influence that God's people can be on their world? Given our nation’s past and present condition, what now? What next? What difference can I possibly make?

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Advance Australia, Where?

Joseph Stephen presents at Australia's Nation building conference. Where is Australia headed as a nation? We are setting the trajectory now for the future of our nation and our family. A challenge to consider our ways. For us to know where we are going, we need to know where we came from. How did we find ourselves on the current slippery slope of moral relativism, disintegrating families, and converted chapels? What is the future for our families? For our nation? What hope of recovery? Will the humanists rule over us, dictate how we raise our children, and what we are allowed to preach and where? Do we just sit back and do nothing? This seminar will answer all these questions and more.

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Relying on the Blessing of Almighty God

At Australia's founding the Constitution asserted the nation's reliance on the blessing of Almighty God. Nation building depends upon this fundamental truth. This is where our nation began. David d'Lima from Family Voice Australia details where we began as a nation, and what now? A message from Australia's Nation Building Conference.

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Joseph Stephen presents at Australia's Nation building conference. What is your worldview? We all have one. It can make a real and eternal difference to your life and family. What of Australia TODAY? It is largely atheistic. Many Australians think Christianity is irrelevant. After all that old Bible has been disproved by science - hasn’t it? What IS Biblical Christianity? Is it still relevant? Yes!

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Guiding Communities out of Despair

Communities need leadership to guide them out of despair. Principles for today from the New Testament. David d'Lima from Family Voice Australia presents how Paul brought practical and spiritual leadership to a community in despair. Learn how Christians can participate in civic life and decision making. One of the sessions from Australia's Nation Building Conference.

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Be Different!

A message that is "a little bit Different"... Unusual - Unfeigned - Unmoveable - Unspotted - Unaustralian - Uncompromising. Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts... We are to be Different, and we are to make a difference. You can be different. You can make the difference...

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Do Justly

He hath showed thee o man what is good... What does the Lord require of you? This sermon puts it in a nutshell. Walk humbly with Him.

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The Lord is My Shepherd

The Shepherd of Psalm 23 is the Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd of John 10. We can be assured of His care and leading, whatever faces us in the path of life. Will you be one of His sheep?

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Made Alive!

A summary of what the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ means for us. It tells of sin and of death, the devil, and disobedience. We hear of man's plight in fleshliness, vain philosophies, and disobedience. The richness of God's mercy and grace extended to us. What the Gospel - God's good news for modern man brings to the soul!

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A Better Sacrifice

Is your sacrifice worthy? What made Abel's offering different? Will He receive it? In what spirit do we come unto Him? Is your sacrifice spiritual?

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Friday, 6 May 2011

Consider the Cost

The precious gift and exchange that was made at Calvary. Will you settle for a second-rate Jesus, or will you realise the great expense - the purpose for which He shed His blood? A transaction made at infinite cost. Will you be moved at the wonder of Calvary?

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His Hands

His touching, His keeping, His tenderness. Jesus’ hands reach out and extend a welcome to the wandering and hurting. Take a hold of His nail scarred hands. Find His grace is complete and sufficient. His hand is not shortened that it cannot save.

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