Friday, 14 September 2012

Alex Holowaty - missionary to Argentina

Alex Holowaty shares of the mission work in Argentina and his burden for witnessing and reaching many souls through evangelism.

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Be ye Stedfast

A call to be unswerving. Be unmoved by what is around you. Be one of those who are always abounding - the faithful few. Play your part. Your labour in the Lord's service is worthwhile. And remember it is His work, His honour, and His glory.

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Sowing and Reaping

All of us are planting something. What are you cultivating in your life? You are planting every day for a future harvest. There will be consequences for your actions. So plant wisely. Some will sow to the flesh and reap an ugly harvest of rottenness and corruption. Sow rather to the Spirit. Sow and keep on sowing. Your harvest is sure. It will coreepsond to what you have planted.

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Friday, 7 September 2012

Take Courage

How can we find courage when the odds are against us? Joshua found God's favour from the Word. Courage is Grace under pressure. Fear not! God is with you. Be brave. Be strong in your convictions. In faith. Do your duty. Take courage today.

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Our Lord charges us to be occupied about the King's business, until He comes.

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A Cup of Cold Water

Brad relates how serving the Lord can extend from the basic and straightforward levels of life.

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It is Finished!

His shout of victory means "Mission accomplished". His great finished work means salvation accomplished. Nothing can be added to this Masterpiece.

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Resurrection Power

In the resurrection of Christ we experience a dramatic encounter with the Risen Lord. He is risen! Its significance means a demonstration of power of God's saving work, the Gospel. To know this resurrection power personally makes an eternal life-changing difference.

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The Fellowship of His Sufferings

Suffering can be part of God's will and our calling and warfare. Does suffering make you bitter or better? It presents an opportunity for us to grow, to please God, trust God, and glorify God. "Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress." If we suffer we shall also reign with Him. The Lord will be be our Refuge and Strength, a very present help in trouble. Like Job, let trouble prompt us to worship and seek His Face.

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Abundant Grace

Our Lord grants grace to His people. A call to follow the Lord more closely, from Bro Eric Moore.

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Handling Pressures

Some keys for living the Christian life and overcoming pressures, from Brad Manfield.

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Carnal or Spiritual?

What is our mindset? A contrast between the CARNAL and the SPIRITUAL MIND. The way of humanism, of the flesh. The way of the Spirit means a God consciousness, the Mind of Christ, a Soul thirst. The fulfilment of a Spiritual Mind leads to peace, understanding and blessing. How can we keep spiritually minded in a world that is bent against God and truth? Learn some ways to develop this new way of thinking.

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Building a Cake

Brad pictures the ingredients of a church that makes it attractive and nourishing to those who partake of it.

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The Gospel of Job

Bro Bert relates three stirring questions from the Book of Job that encapsulate God's message to man.

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Provoke One Another

A call to provocative effort - to stir up love that's real and fervent, to mobilise people to a faith in action - where God functions in and through us bith to WILL and to DO of His good pleasure.

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His Fingerprints

Was it "from goo to you" - things randomly came about by chance evolution - or was it really that BY HIM all things were CREATED? Striking examples of the complexities of creation - the Master Designer's fingerprints are all over the place. The settings for life. Microtechnology. Interdependent systems. The Anglerfish. The Woodpecker. Dolphins. Bombadier beetles. The Giraffe. Our world shows the reality and awesome power of a Divine Creator. And BY HIM all things CONSIST.

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His Appearing

Do we love His Appearing? It's the Blessed Hope of the church. Are we ready? The Signs are evident. The Word prophesies this ever closer event. The glorious Day of His Appearing will herald a new future for us and the planet. Are you ready for His return?

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God's Family Plan

God's plan for the family, for husbands, wives, parents, and children. Building families take work. And except the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build it. A plea for families to follow the plan that He has set out for us. Our Lord intends homes built with Loving Leadership, and Godly Order, to be a place of Honour.

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Happiness - and how to find it

Everyone wants happiness. How can we be happy? It's an elusive search for many. The Lord sets out in His beatitudes the secrets of a truly happy life. The pathways for us to His blessings, and finding genuine happiness and lasting joy. Happy is that people whose God is the Lord.

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Childish Things

How to mature in your faith. A challenge to put away the childish things.

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The Unseen War

There is a war going on. The battle lines are being drawn. It is an invisible battle, a cosmic conflict with a faceless enemy. We are to be soldiers trained and armed to fight. This is a call to rally the troops: "Prepare for war". Our committed enemy is the master of camouflage. He is waging a slick propaganda campaign. We need to know his battle plan. We are fighting for the souls of many he has taken captive. The battle affects our own families. It is a battle for hearts and minds. We need to know his tactics. The enemy is a gradualist. Just a little leaven. And before you know it...! Resist stedfast in the faith. Join the resistance! Enlist now! Ready yourself for active military service as spiritual soldiers!

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Revive Thy Work, O Lord

Revival. A plea, a prayer: Lord, send revival. Revival means an awakening, a refreshing of spiritual life and fervour. A renewed sense of God. It is the life of God in His own people. We see our great lack, of power, of grace. The fire has gone out and needs to be restored. Australia needs revival. Revival is a passion for prayer, for souls. It is a revitalising of the fear of God, a refeshed zeal for the lost, and love of the Word, a new consecration. Repentance precedes revival. O Lord, revive Thy work.

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God Hates False Religion

God truly hates worship that is compromised and corrupted. The Lord hated the feats days, the solemn assemblies, the noise of the songs and the melody of their musical instruments. God is looking for pure hearts, pure doctrine, pure worship. God rejects the worship of those who draw near to Him with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. The church needs to be intolerant of pretend worship and man-centred performance. Where there is a neglect of God's Word we should reject it. Seek the real, the true. Shun the worldly and lukewarm. A rebuke to the backslidden church. True worship means sacrifice and genuine devotion. Will we be one of the authentic worshippers? As living sacrifices. Stand in awe of Him.

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The Exchanged Life

Christ is our source. The grace life means union with Christ, living by His Spirit, growing in Christlikeness. He is the source, the power, the rghteousness we need. We find our rest in Him, our ceasing from our own striving. The great exchange means our rags for His riches, our sin for His saving work. A transaction is made that is eternal.

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The Separated Life

God calls His own to the separated life. Separation is a major doctrine of the Bible. It is a reflection of God's holy character. It is a delighting in God's Word. The separated life means an obedience to God's commands, as we walk in fellowship with our Lord and not with the world. It is beautiful and pleasing to God. Our great privilege is to be saints who walk worthy. To separate means to set a boundary. Take a stand for your convictions, for God's will. Let us not lower the standard, but rather raise it. The question ought to be, Is it Biblical? And take that path, the Highway of Holiness. A plea for an unyielding faith in the Book. Let us be men like the radical Hezekiah, and Josiah, holding fast the faithful Word.

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Accountability means we accept responsibility for our actions. We are answerable. The genuine church helps us be accountable - to one another, and to God. Accountability touches on integrity of relationships, of speech, of finances, of thoughts. Accountability holds authority with due regard. It is wise. It protects us. Accountability provides an environment of mutual care and stewardship. It is a fundamental part of discipleship.

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Judgment must begin at the house of God. God is a righteous judge. He is intolerant. He judges the deadness and lukewarmness of the worldly church. It's time for judgment. New age doctrines and a neglect of God's truth - the Plumbline - is all too evident. The battle for truth calls us to stand and preach the truth, while we still have time. Judgment is coming. The nominal Christians will be swept away by the storm that is apporaching. Don't settle for substandard Christianity. We need revival. It's time to wake up. The Refiner's fire will burn.

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The Glory of God

A recurring theme in God's Word is His glory. He wants us to be changed for His glory, and form glory to glory. That He sets the agenda for our lives. We can be channels for His glory. Our prvilege and duty is to bring Him glory. The chielf end of man is to give Him glory. Be a wise steard. Be the church for His glory. Let that be your goal. Your driving force. He is the King of Glory and we want to truly honour Him. As an authentic church for His glory it is this that shapes our every decision and emphasis. Our primary objective is to bring Him Glory.

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Humility shows in attitude and heart. It's about a dependence upon God. Keep humble. Avoid pride. Be a witness. God uses the lowly and invites us to His table. Find ways to serve, pray and witness. It takes humility. Be used of God. Let go of self will and bow the knee to the Master, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Will you excel - or will you settle for second rate? The character quality of excellence. It means going beyond the norm, beyond the average. Will we aspire to be first rate? Daniel did. Instead of mediocrity let's aspire to be the best we can be. Don't settle for sloppy. Daniel had an excellence in his courage and convictions. He maintained his purity. Faith abounding has a purpose and a faithfulness. Aim for excellence!

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Integrity. People appreciate it. God commends it. It is the pathway of blessing. The opposite of integrity is hypocrisy. It's seen in the lives of Nehemiah, Daniel, and Joseph, three public servants with solid character and faith. Integrity does what is right. It's consistency and true character. Job was blameless in his evident integrity. Whatever you do, in things small and great, choose to live your life with integrity.

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The Word of God

There's a famine in the land - because the Bible has been neglected. Where is the Biblical church, standing squarely on the uncompromising message? We stand for the Bible and its preservation - the incorruptible seed, the pure words. We stand on its authority, as totally true and trustworthy. It is inspired, God-breathed and God-blessed. God's Word is never failing. And we stand for the Gospel, the Message of the Saviour.

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David exhorts to faithfulness.

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Let us keep watch

Brad exhorts on watchfulness. Let us watch and be sober. We need to be careful of false new age gospels and modern day humanistic psychology that are replacing the genuine preaching of the Bible. A call to avoid error and deception and instead be true to God's truth.

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Try the Spirits

Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits… A call to discernment. Judgment is sorely needed. Why be a discerning Christian? Because of damnable heresies. We must wisely discriminate, between man's opinions and God's truth. The most unloving thing we can do is to be silent. Warning is called for. We must not trust in experience but in God's Word. There is a spirit of error and we need to test what is happening, to determine the truth. Discern God's will. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good. An encouragement to wise and godly decision making.

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God's plan is for harvest. A harvest of souls. In His love He draws and He drives. The harvest is plenteous, but the labourers are few. He is the Owner - the Master of the harvest. He calls us to the work. To send us. The harvest is ready. A call to service. Let us be stirred to action. Be His witnesses.

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David's cry for forgiveness. Have mercy upon me, O God. Repentance is a recurring theme in the Word of God. It is a worldview shift. A transformation. A whole new mindset and attitude. Sin abounds and we need repentance. Hear from God. Let go of pride. And repent. Repentance means a change of life. A brokenness before God. Moody says: "Repentance is the tear in the eye of faith."

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Something was unique about this community. "See how these Christians love one another!" It was love. An identifying mark of the true people of God. God's boundless love brings healing and wholeness. He commands love. The church should be a tenderhearted community where God's love can be seen in action. Brotherly love. God's love does not excuse sin, yet His love provides the means for our rescue. We communicate God's love for sinful mankind. His love compels us to witness.

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