Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The God of All Comfort

Where can we find comfort in troubled times?  When the storm comes, He speaks Peace.  The God of all Comfort is our great Comforter.  His Word assures comfort.  You can trust Him and His Promises.  Where is He when the storm comes?  He is in the boat, with you.  He wants you to be His agent to bring comfort to others.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1068.

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How can we live an effective and fruitful life? What will our fruit be? He is the true vine. We are the branches. The Lord Jesus says to you, Abide in Me.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1069.

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Grace Works!

What is Grace? Will our lives know His Grace or Disgrace? Grace is God doing for me what I cannot do for myself. Grace is revealed, as a Gift, a Spirit, and as a Fruit. Grace works for us, in us, and through us. A Biblical overview of the doctrine of Grace, and what it means for us in our own lives.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1066.

*Please note that advertising/other content at the host site is not necessarily endorsed by Church4u.*

Take Heed

It's a recurring theme - take heed. Take heed, we are told, to how we build. The reckoning time is coming - the Judgment Seat of Christ. What will your life's work be? Watch out. Take heed to your Bible. Take heed to yourself and your doctrine.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1067.

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