Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Our Words

Our words have power - they can speak death - or life.  There are words to avoid - murmuring and discord.  Instead of bitter words that eat as a canker or corrupt words, let's choose sweet words that will bless and build others. 

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1077.

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Keys to Peace

How can we know the peace with God that salvation brings? What will bring the Peace of God to a troubled life - subjection to God's will?  How can we know Peace from God in our daily walk - through supplication as we lean upon His strength and guidance. 

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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Purchased with His own Blood

A great Purchase, a tremendous transaction.  God's saving work meant a costly Price, a full Payment, and a purchased Possession, His own church.  Purchased with His own Blood.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1076.

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Be ye Separate

The Bible teaches us of the truth of the separated life.  The Biblical doctrine of separation calls for careful examination of our associations and fellowship.  Will we stand for righteousness and truth?  Will we stand for Christ and come out from error?  It is an imperative.  A command.  Be ye separate.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1075.

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Jonah went in the opposite direction but God redirected him.  He tried to disobey God's Word and escape God's presence and plan, but to no avail.  God has a way of getting our attention.  We cannot outrun God.  He extends kindness still if you will but trust Him.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1074.

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Last Days Living

Pastor Chris Hammond of Open Door Baptist Church Saskatoon, SK, Canada relates how we are to live in the last days.  An exhortation from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.  Be joyful, prayerful and thankful.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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Vision - 15 Years of Church For You

A reflection on where we have come from over fifteen years and a prayerful look forward to God's continued mercies as a church.


Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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The Gospel of the Cross

A message that offends our self sufficiency! The Gospel of the cross is offensive, exclusive, and not seeker sensitive.  The cross means death. We see the heroes of the faith, men like Job, like Paul,  a call to rugged faith, no matter what!

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1073.

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How can we Glorify God?

What is the chief end of man? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever!  How are we to glorify God? We're created to give Him glory.  Learn to trust Him, love Him, praise Him, hear Him, follow Him. Glorify God in the whatsoever of your life!  

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1072.

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What is church? A Sanctuary, a Fellowship - as God designed it - means a privilege, a partnership, protection, and a joint participation. If you neglect to fellowship, you neglect your soul!

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1071.

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Who should be the Greatest?

How do you measure greatness? Where is true greatness found? A model we can follow.  A motive that transcends ourselves. A mindset of a servant.  It all boils down to - who will you serve?

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1070.

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