Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Tools for Bible Study

An overview of the basic toolkit to equip a workman unashamed, to study the Bible. What you need to be a diligent student.

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Run the Race

Looking unto Jesus, the race of the faith people means a running from sin, a running with stamina, and finishing strong. Are you in the race?

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No respect of persons

One of God's attributes - a value we should aspire to - people matter - there's no respect of persons with God. He doesn't play favourites, and nor should we.

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Nail it Down

It's radical. Full on. Are you willing to step over the line? To pay the price. A life truly lived means death. Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Me, says Jesus Christ. Daily. Forsake self and cheap Christianity. Whatever's blocking you, nail it down.

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Worship means a lifestyle and a commitment. Honour the Lord with your worship.

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A Virtuous Woman

Womanhood is praised in this ancient poem that pictures a woman to be praised and honoured.

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My Yoke is Easy

Will you shoulder His yoke? His burden is light. Come unto Jesus.

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Flood Warning

Are you ready for the flood? The enemy shall come in like a flood. The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him…

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I Thirst

Our Lord's cry from the cross. The creator of all seas and rivers suffers thirst for us.

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Which Direction?

Evangelist Glen Weeks urges that you consider where you are headed? One of two directions. Your decision determines your destiny.

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Three things to commit. Commit your Way - your plans, your life - to God's glory. Commit your Works - your energy, strength, influence, and labour. And Commit to communicating the Word and declaring it.

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Bold as a Lion

The righteous have a boldness by faith. The Lord is with thee. Fear not. The faith heroes were men and women with a boldness in resolution, in prayer, and in witness. How about you?

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The Devil's Devices

Satan is real, alive, and active. We read of his devices and wiles. He is pitted in a warfare waged against the mind and soul. Tear down his strongholds and find the way of escape.

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