Sunday, 19 September 2010

The Persecuted Church

God's letter to the Church at Smyrna. An encouragement that faithfulness brings a crown. Visiting preacher, Dennis Kresos.

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Heaven on Earth?

Heaven speaks to us of a ruler, a relationship, and a reward. Are we involved with the work of extending His kingdom? Are you a Heaven born citizen, a member of the Royal Family?

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God's Blessings

Believers are blessed because of Calvary. At communion we remember our blood-bought salvation, the broken body pictures the substitionary atonement and we anticipate the Blessed Hope of His second coming.

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Jacob's Prayer

Jacob's wrestling match pictures prevailing prayer at work. Visiting preacher Pastor Brenton Honeychurch from South West Baptist Church ministers on the occasion of new church opening service.

*Note: I have no control over content of advertising clip.*

The Fear of the Lord

Travel through God's Word as we explore the vital truth of the fear of God, and what it means for us today. Budding preacher Ashley Lawrie opens the scriptures on this important subject that is not commonly heard about, yet is critical for modern man.

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Jesus Expects...

The Lord Jesus expects some things from Christians. Here's what He wants from you... From Aussie preacher David Craig.

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Is He your Master ?

Sometimes we carelessly call Him "Lord", yet do we really mean it? Is He truly Lord and Master? He is due our service, in humility and Christlikeness, obedience, and faithfulness. The joy of serving our Lord comes from the heart as we take the towel and serve one another.

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We have fellowship - in His Light, in His Blood, and with one another. The joy of fellowshipping together in our Lord.

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Your Sure Election?

As God's people we are to make sure of our election. The benefits of the salvation gift. Aussie preacher David Craig.

*Note: I have no control over content of advertising clip.*

Spirit or Flesh?

A challenge to yield your will and walk to the Spirit of God. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. A higher law, a new life, a renewed mind and a fresh heart, pleasing unto the Lord. You can become truly spiritually alive!

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Write the vision, make it plain, run with it… A clear, compelling, courageous vision, from God… Where the church can be. A message to deliver. The vision needs Biblical direction and action.

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Men of War - Mighty Men

Prepare war, wake up the mighty men. Men of valour and zeal are needed in this hour. The battle is on. Our enemy is the master of camouflage. A wake up call. We need men to be spiritual leaders. To do business with God. We can know true victory.

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The Peace of God

Keys for finding the peace of God. What to worry about. What to pray about. What to think about. Healing for the hurting soul.

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Salvation is His Forever LIFE, His Finished WORK, and His Faithful KEEPING. We are secure by His Grace, not by our own doing. And by His mercy we are enrolled as citizens with a secure and eternal citizenship.

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Christianity in Crisis

Many churches are resorting to compromising methods. Everything is being redefined. A plea for a return to Biblical Christianity, with regard for principle above pragmatism, and for doctrine above man-centred marketing. O for a faithful church with a Biblical fellowship that proclaims the Gospel!

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The Lord's Day

A special day... The significance of the Lord's Day. A day of rest. Day of worship. Day of holiness. Day of delight. Observe it. Keep it.

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Walk worthy

To walk with God... Change direction. Go the distance. Put on your shoes. Be careful who you walk with.

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