When the storm hits where will you take refuge? Will you have a sure foundation? Or will it be a lie? There is One who is an eternal refuge on Whom you can surely depend. God is a refuge for us.
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Friday, 18 November 2011
Thursday, 10 November 2011
In today's connected society we need to consider what we are connected to. Holiness means a separation from, and a separation unto. The world system is governed by the god of this world. Yet we have a connection with God's holy people, His holy word, and His Holy Spirit! Holiness is possible - by His Grace! What a privilege!
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Ambassadors for Christ
As God's representatives, messengers of the Kingdom, we carry the Message of our God and King. How well a job are we doing? The role of an Ambassador is a major reponsibility. Be a faithful ambassador who brings healing.
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Keys to Revival
Revival ought to be the normal Christian life. Reviving goes on where God is holy, spirits are humble, and hearts are repentant.
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The Comings of Christ
Christ is coming. Are you ready? A message from Peter Jackson of Herald of Hope.
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The Strait Gate
Enter in at the strait gate. The narrow way to salvation. Turn to Christ.
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Consider Him
A message from Bro James Duffey. Calling people to a greater appreciation of who Christ is.
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The Old Paths
The church of God needs to return to the old paths. Absolute truth is under attack. A call to restoration. Rise up saints! Back to a fresh anointing with the old power. Enough of abomination in the holy place and ecumenical bandwagons. Get back to the Word!
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The Love of God
The depths of God's love. How can we fathom it? Go's amazing love He commends to us. It is constant, by it we consider others and it constrains us to reach out with the Gospel.
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Fight Back!
Launch the counteroffensive! This is our finest hour. Join the resistance. We need to regain our fighting spirit. It is time to wage war against the spiritual enemy. Praise. Prayer. The Power of God avails for His victorious army today. The work of Proclamation of the Gospel is our battle cry.
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Hearing Hearts
A call to hear and understand the Word of the Lord. Will our hearts find this wisdom?
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The Mission
God has created His church for a glorious mission. A call to return to faithfulness to the Biblical message. A genuine awakening to spiritual truth can happen as we faithfully submit to the Word of God.
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Sunday, 16 October 2011
SOUND THE TRUMPET! special meeting
Friday, 14 October 2011
No Condemnation
Has Christ made you free? Do you rest in a relationship with God, or man-made rules? Step into the freedom and glorious liberty of a Christ-filled life, walking in His grace. Free from legalism. Your life lived in the spirit of philadelphia - brotherly love - walking in the Spirit in godliness as you endeavour to walk pleasing to the Lord.
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Our Words
Words can have great power - destructive or constructive power. We can Vilify - speak evil and pull other down - or Edify - build them up. Prayerfully let us crucify the flesh. Above all let us Glorify God, with words that give Him the praise He is due.
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Paul's Spirit
Paul was a man led of the Holy Spirit. His spirit was sensitive to the Lord's direction. He was pressed, stirred, and purposed in the spirit. Will we exercise the same responsiveness to the Holy Spirit? Will we be burdened - or unmoved? Press on!
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In the Storm
Are you in the storm? Jesus speaks to the storm, Peace, be still! Will it be fear filling us, or faith, in our time of storm? His voice brings great calm in the storm. He will deliver. He will be our refuge in the day of trouble.
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Jesus is the Lord
Jesus is the Lord. Is He you Lord? To understand this we need to consider His Lordship and dominion. And ask Him, like Paul, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" Do we truly submit to His Lordship in every area of our lives?
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Times and Seasons
Bro Brad exhorts God's people to walk by faith as we go through the times and seasons of our life and as a church, that we may know the Lord's will and blessings.
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The Trial of your Faith
Trials will come to purify your faith. Will you stand fast, or cave in? You can shine through like gold, and bring the honour and glory unto the Lord.
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Neglect is the opposite of care. The Word of God urges us to care for people, ministry, and the soul. In what state are you? A call to not neglect so great salvation…
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Sunday, 18 September 2011
Sunday 30th October
10am @ Church For You
Peter Jackson - The 2 Comings of Christ
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10am @ Church For You
Peter Jackson - The 2 Comings of Christ
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Latest News
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Wasteful things?
Wasted things. Wasted lives. Wasted youth. Wasted money. What purpose? The woman's precious fragrance was poured out. Her adoration of our Lord some considered to be a waste.
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Abba, Father
God as father. The sonship of believers. The wonder of our adoption into the family of God. Intimacy. Relationship, with Abba, Father. How can I become His child?
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Come Home
The story of a wasted life and the love of the father. A prodigal son. The willingness of God to receive the unworthy. He says, Come home. There is joy and welcome in the Father's house.
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Imputed Righteousness
Ashley Lawrie relates the righteousness granted to man by God's blessed Grace, in the Person of His Son. An outline of the Book of Philemon.
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Lamb Of God, Lion Of Judah
Our Saviour is both the Lamb and the Lion. A message from Roy Berry.
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Grace Alone
What is Grace? The Nature of God. The Message of God. The Gift of God. The Salvation of God. The continuing Presence of God. And He gives Grace to the humble.
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Faith Alone
The response of faith is seen as we hear, see, and trust our Lord. The object of our faith is Christ. The result of our faith is a wonderful victory.
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Poured Out for you
Our Lord was poured out unto death itself for us. An exhortation around the work of the cross from Bro Richard.
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Power to Serve
God's Spirit is given to be our power source for energising us in the service of our Lord. Will we allow Him to have His way in us?
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Sola Scriptura
Scripture Alone. The Authority for life and doctrine. Our great need of discernment concerning salvation truth. We have a blessed assurance of this certain foundation - God's sure Word.
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Tuesday, 6 September 2011
A Plea for Modesty
We live in a day and age when modesty of dress is thought little of.
I have felt it appropriate to send a mailout across the fellowship encouraging attention to godly dress, amongst the younger women, in particular. I think it is very important that we steer right away from what is clearly doubtful and of the world, and the ruler of this world, and worldliness.
I think that it is an important issue to raise for awareness and action. This is not meant to be something that is heavy or burdensome, but it would be - I hope - truly liberating and blessing for our younger women to please the Lord in this matter and be a testimony for Him.
It can be a hard subject to address in person. I will hope that the women in our fellowship who are mature in their faith can set a good example to the younger ones, and help them learn.
Above all, we want to instill godliness and virtue amongst our young women, as they seek to learn to follow the Lord, including in practical matters such as this.
As a church we are absolutely not about imposing man-made rules on people, but we do want to lift people up to a higher place, away from what is obviously worldly and godless, to that which truly praises our dear Lord.
A godly woman can be truly respected and appreciated for her true beauty, and still be becoming and feminine, without dishonouring and shaming herself and our Lord through immodesty. These are truths we want to lift people up to, and encourage as a glad and joyful service unto our Lord.
This is an issue that I believe is extremely important, while a bit difficult to talk about.
I am writing about the godly principle of MODEST DRESS.
I feel it’s important to raise this subject with ladies in the fellowship, to bless and encourage you as you seek to honour the Lord in your life. One area to aim for is in setting a godly standard of dress for your life.
As believers we want to dress to please the Lord, not the world. Friendship with the world is hatred toward God (James 4:4). Our Lord tells us not to conform to the world (Romans 12:2).
The WORLD does not care. People seem to accept showing off what is impure and immodest. We see how the world dresses, with skimpy, skin tight jeans or short skirts, low cut tops, bare shoulders and exposing the skin. Exposing what God wants covered is following the world, not the Lord. In summer it seems the standards fall even more.
Sadly, many women today don't seem to understand what modesty is. They may never have learned about it. God’s word shows a godly woman how to adorn herself to honour her Lord, including with modesty (1 Timothy 2:9).
As a church we want to encourage our women to dress modestly and set a godly standard.
Immodesty is a CHARACTER issue. The way you dress reflects your character – what you are on the inside. Your dress and grooming send messages about you to others. Modesty in dress follows from a godliness of heart, as women seek to please and honour the Lord. Modesty will show in how you walk, what you say, and what you wear.
Virtue and truth will last, beyond passing styles and fashions. Proverbs 31:30 says, "Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised."
Modesty is a choice of what is moderate and appropriate, and godly. It will show in a person’s life and attitude. As we fear God, the hidden person of the heart reflects a gentle and quiet spirit. The inner spiritual strength shines through in the character of such a woman (1 Peter 3:4).
If you are a Christian, you are a representative of the Lord Jesus, who you will want to please.
If a woman dresses with dignity and carries herself with grace, most men will treat her with respect and honour. Decide what kind of message your appearance is going to send out, and dress accordingly. If in doubt, you can ask a trusted older Christian woman what she thinks about how you dress.
You can dress attractively and creatively without being sleazy. Above all, choose what is virtuous – this means what is wholesome, righteous, and honourable.
The BASIC PRINCIPLES of modest dress are clear:
Don't show too much of yourself. That means avoid clothes that are too revealing, fit too tightly, tops that are cut too low, and skirts that are cut too short, or have slits. So, avoid low necklines, short skirts or shorts, bare midriffs, and translucent fabrics. Also watch how tight your clothing is. Avoid clothes that make your curves and shape show; so avoid tight jeans and slacks.
To avoid low necklines, you can wear something underneath, such as a T-shirt. God may lead you to discard some clothes that you're fond of, because the Bible will be your guide and authority, not your choice and feelings.
Our priority as a Christian is the biblical not the cultural. In other words, we will obey the BIBLE, rather than following what may be popular, but sinful. The world ought not have the same influence over us, as it does over those who don’t know God (Eph 2:3). Our outward dress should match our inward holiness, as we aim to be honour our Lord Jesus.
As Christians, while we have liberty, we are not free to dress or act in a way that causes others to sin. This would be sin. We will not want to cause others to lust, but will want to promote purity of eyes and mind. Godly women will not want to dress like the harlot of Proverbs 7:10 in a way to lure men, or ways that provoke immorality, vanity and pride.
PARENTS also have a responsibility. Godly standards are being ignored in many families today. Parents should be committed to raising modest daughters.
A true godly and Christian parent will guide their daughters how to dress to please the Lord. If we want our girls to be treated with the dignity and the respect that they deserve, we'll teach them to dress modestly, with a passion for purity rather than a plea for attention.
As Christians we will want to dress in a modest and decent way, that shows respect for God, ourselves, and others.
As pastor, together with my wife, I want to urge all the women who fellowship with us to consider their dress. Please think carefully about what you wear at all times when in public.
Is it in accord with one who claims to "love the Lord"? Or does it show a lack of discernment and confused loyalties? We have been called out (1 Peter 2:9) by God, to be His workmanship (Eph 2:10) for good works.
Praying that you will have found these comments helpful, as you endeavour to glorify God with your body in these practical ways.
Yours faithfully
Andrew & Julie Craig
6 Sep 2011
I have felt it appropriate to send a mailout across the fellowship encouraging attention to godly dress, amongst the younger women, in particular. I think it is very important that we steer right away from what is clearly doubtful and of the world, and the ruler of this world, and worldliness.
I think that it is an important issue to raise for awareness and action. This is not meant to be something that is heavy or burdensome, but it would be - I hope - truly liberating and blessing for our younger women to please the Lord in this matter and be a testimony for Him.
It can be a hard subject to address in person. I will hope that the women in our fellowship who are mature in their faith can set a good example to the younger ones, and help them learn.
Above all, we want to instill godliness and virtue amongst our young women, as they seek to learn to follow the Lord, including in practical matters such as this.
As a church we are absolutely not about imposing man-made rules on people, but we do want to lift people up to a higher place, away from what is obviously worldly and godless, to that which truly praises our dear Lord.
A godly woman can be truly respected and appreciated for her true beauty, and still be becoming and feminine, without dishonouring and shaming herself and our Lord through immodesty. These are truths we want to lift people up to, and encourage as a glad and joyful service unto our Lord.
This is an issue that I believe is extremely important, while a bit difficult to talk about.
I am writing about the godly principle of MODEST DRESS.
I feel it’s important to raise this subject with ladies in the fellowship, to bless and encourage you as you seek to honour the Lord in your life. One area to aim for is in setting a godly standard of dress for your life.
As believers we want to dress to please the Lord, not the world. Friendship with the world is hatred toward God (James 4:4). Our Lord tells us not to conform to the world (Romans 12:2).
The WORLD does not care. People seem to accept showing off what is impure and immodest. We see how the world dresses, with skimpy, skin tight jeans or short skirts, low cut tops, bare shoulders and exposing the skin. Exposing what God wants covered is following the world, not the Lord. In summer it seems the standards fall even more.
Sadly, many women today don't seem to understand what modesty is. They may never have learned about it. God’s word shows a godly woman how to adorn herself to honour her Lord, including with modesty (1 Timothy 2:9).
As a church we want to encourage our women to dress modestly and set a godly standard.
Immodesty is a CHARACTER issue. The way you dress reflects your character – what you are on the inside. Your dress and grooming send messages about you to others. Modesty in dress follows from a godliness of heart, as women seek to please and honour the Lord. Modesty will show in how you walk, what you say, and what you wear.
Virtue and truth will last, beyond passing styles and fashions. Proverbs 31:30 says, "Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised."
Modesty is a choice of what is moderate and appropriate, and godly. It will show in a person’s life and attitude. As we fear God, the hidden person of the heart reflects a gentle and quiet spirit. The inner spiritual strength shines through in the character of such a woman (1 Peter 3:4).
If you are a Christian, you are a representative of the Lord Jesus, who you will want to please.
If a woman dresses with dignity and carries herself with grace, most men will treat her with respect and honour. Decide what kind of message your appearance is going to send out, and dress accordingly. If in doubt, you can ask a trusted older Christian woman what she thinks about how you dress.
You can dress attractively and creatively without being sleazy. Above all, choose what is virtuous – this means what is wholesome, righteous, and honourable.
The BASIC PRINCIPLES of modest dress are clear:
Don't show too much of yourself. That means avoid clothes that are too revealing, fit too tightly, tops that are cut too low, and skirts that are cut too short, or have slits. So, avoid low necklines, short skirts or shorts, bare midriffs, and translucent fabrics. Also watch how tight your clothing is. Avoid clothes that make your curves and shape show; so avoid tight jeans and slacks.
To avoid low necklines, you can wear something underneath, such as a T-shirt. God may lead you to discard some clothes that you're fond of, because the Bible will be your guide and authority, not your choice and feelings.
Our priority as a Christian is the biblical not the cultural. In other words, we will obey the BIBLE, rather than following what may be popular, but sinful. The world ought not have the same influence over us, as it does over those who don’t know God (Eph 2:3). Our outward dress should match our inward holiness, as we aim to be honour our Lord Jesus.
As Christians, while we have liberty, we are not free to dress or act in a way that causes others to sin. This would be sin. We will not want to cause others to lust, but will want to promote purity of eyes and mind. Godly women will not want to dress like the harlot of Proverbs 7:10 in a way to lure men, or ways that provoke immorality, vanity and pride.
PARENTS also have a responsibility. Godly standards are being ignored in many families today. Parents should be committed to raising modest daughters.
A true godly and Christian parent will guide their daughters how to dress to please the Lord. If we want our girls to be treated with the dignity and the respect that they deserve, we'll teach them to dress modestly, with a passion for purity rather than a plea for attention.
As Christians we will want to dress in a modest and decent way, that shows respect for God, ourselves, and others.
As pastor, together with my wife, I want to urge all the women who fellowship with us to consider their dress. Please think carefully about what you wear at all times when in public.
Is it in accord with one who claims to "love the Lord"? Or does it show a lack of discernment and confused loyalties? We have been called out (1 Peter 2:9) by God, to be His workmanship (Eph 2:10) for good works.
Praying that you will have found these comments helpful, as you endeavour to glorify God with your body in these practical ways.
Yours faithfully
Andrew & Julie Craig
6 Sep 2011
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Faithfulness is commended. It is enabled by God's Spirit, a fruit in us of Christ's character. We see the footprints of the faithful, the cost of faithfulness under fire, and the blessings that flow from it. Be faithful in the small things. Are we faithful to Christ? Consider how you can be more consistent in your lifestyle, worship, witness.
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Rejoicing is commanded. Delight in the Lord. He rejoices and invites us to rejoice with Him. We can keep on rejoicing, no matter what circumstances confront us. His joy is our strength.
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Go, Stand, Speak
Go, stand, speak! A call to the task of evangelism. We need to yield to Christ's call to Go. There is great need to rise up and take up the cross. The message we hold dear is a vital word we are called to communicate. Be a voice and communicate the Gospel today!
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The Work of the Holy Spirit
The Spirit will reprove the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. What is the Biblical understanding of such things? Is the Holy Spirit at work in your life and heart? If so, we will be prompted in these critical areas to a deeper walk and accountability unto God.
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If the foundations be destroyed...
If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The framework for a healthy society is that founded upon Biblical faith. They are under threat today: The Home, The Church, The Nation. This 3000 year old question is relevant for our day. What can the righteous do to be the salt and light so vitally needed?
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Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Get Ready for Persecution
Persecution is normal. A mark of true discipleship. It strengthens and revives the church. Counterfeit Christianity is our biggest threat. The popular church opposes the godly. Persecution is coming. The conflict between the worldly counterfeit church and the real one. Get ready for it.
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God's Benchmark for the Church
How do you measure a church? What does a successful church look like in God's eyes? He sets a certain benchmark. A church in submission to His Word, growing ever more Christlike in stature, to ultimately be the spotless Bride.
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Saturday, 2 July 2011
They Rose up to Play
Richard O'Wallace relates how the people worshipped and then rose up to play (Exodus 32:6). A caution to the people of God - not to be idolaters (1 Cor 10:7), but to worship God truly.
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Christ our Cornerstone
Ashley Lawrie relates how Christ is that true cornerstone - the foundation on which we must build. Failing that we will miss Heaven.
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Baal Worship ~ Will it Blend?
A shocking video. Australia is a nation of idol worshippers. Baal worship is alive - and it is in our churches. Counterfeits prevail. Will it blend? Yes satan is the master blender - syncretism, tolerance, pantheism, sensuality, New Age worship. It's an unholy mixture. Corrupt worship. And Christians are swallowing it.
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Take My Yoke
The weighed down restless soul can find true rest here. Come unto Jesus. He invites still. Take His yoke. Learn of Him.
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Where is God?
Where does God live? In the high and lofty place. Yet He stoops to visit the humble heart of the contrite. A comfort for the repentant soul. Our source of revival is found in this truth.
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Be ye Holy
Brad Manfield relates the holiness of God and what it means for our lives.
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What am I looking for?
David Craig relates how life is a search. Who is seeking who? Does God feature on you radar? Don't miss this!
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The Second Mile
Are you willing to "go the second mile" for others? Does inconvenience deter you from ministry? Go beyond the call. Beyond the disappointment. Learn forbearance.
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Believe that He is a Rewarder
Come to Jesus. Believe Who He is. He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. A plea to seek Him earnestly while He extends the invitation.
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Blessed to be a Blessing
God declares us blessed - the character of Christ is evident in The Beatitudes. And we are blessed to be a blessing to others. So what's blocking your blessing? What's stopping you from being a blessing? Unblock your blessing and ask God to make you a blessing.
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The Atonement
Phil Salt explains how God's work of atonement is unlimited in its dimension...
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What can Noah teach us today? He was a man moved by the fear of God, to action. God looked upon Noah with Grace. He heard God's voice of warning. He walked with God. And his obedient faith translated into works - He built an ark, and he built an altar.
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Who are you?
The search for identity and meaning in life. Brad Meldrum, Australian missionary to Ghana preaches on the Voice crying in the Wilderness.
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Our Sufficiency
Urging the saints to a fresh sense of God's all sufficiency - in His Person, He is more than enough. His Power is our true strength and security. Hi Provision is absolute and full. Entrust yourself to His ability. Let this be your confidence. God is able.
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Redeeming the Time
The most precious commodity. Make the most of your time. You can lose it, abuse it, or use it. Will you fall prey to the time-robbers? Will your time be misspent and you will be filled with regret? Or will you spend your time wisely, investing as a faithful steward in that which is eternal and worthwhile. Seek ye first... Make it your priority.
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Neither give place…
Watch out that you do not give place to the devil, with your mind, your mouth, or with your ministry. Let your mind be renewed. Let your mouth be filled with words that are gracious, enriching and edifying. Let your motive to minister and serve and give be heart deep, Christ-driven, attune to the Lord, in accord with the Holy Spirit. For the Glory of God alone.
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How to be Fruitful
How can a Christian bear fruit? The keys for living a fruitful Christian life.God wants us to be thriving Christians. To bear fruit we need to add to our faith... It is by God's Power, God's Promises, and a Partaking of God's nature. Be fruitful in your knowledge of Christ.
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Standing on the Authority of God's Word
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man... What pathway will you choose? The lost make that mistake. Christians can also be misled as they stray from God's path as revealed to us in His Final Authority for life and doctrine.
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Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Worldliness is a danger to the Christian home. A message to rouse the godly to discernment, action, separation, and non-conformity. Beware of leaven in the lump, of conforming, the spirit of worldliness, and being turned aside by worldly cares. The god of this world wants you to settle for shallowness and to be your friend. We need to recognise the enemy. A call to renewed conviction and stedfastness! Join the resistance!
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Jochebed, mother of Moses, Aaron and Miriam, shows how it is done. Her motherly courage, conviction, and care is seen in how she handled the challenges facing her.
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Message from Australia's Nation Building Conference. How can we be salt and light within our communities? There are impacts and influences all around us. What of the impact and influence that God's people can be on their world? Given our nation’s past and present condition, what now? What next? What difference can I possibly make?
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Advance Australia, Where?
Joseph Stephen presents at Australia's Nation building conference. Where is Australia headed as a nation? We are setting the trajectory now for the future of our nation and our family. A challenge to consider our ways. For us to know where we are going, we need to know where we came from. How did we find ourselves on the current slippery slope of moral relativism, disintegrating families, and converted chapels? What is the future for our families? For our nation? What hope of recovery? Will the humanists rule over us, dictate how we raise our children, and what we are allowed to preach and where? Do we just sit back and do nothing? This seminar will answer all these questions and more.
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Relying on the Blessing of Almighty God
At Australia's founding the Constitution asserted the nation's reliance on the blessing of Almighty God. Nation building depends upon this fundamental truth. This is where our nation began. David d'Lima from Family Voice Australia details where we began as a nation, and what now? A message from Australia's Nation Building Conference. www.cforu.net
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Joseph Stephen presents at Australia's Nation building conference. What is your worldview? We all have one. It can make a real and eternal difference to your life and family. What of Australia TODAY? It is largely atheistic. Many Australians think Christianity is irrelevant. After all that old Bible has been disproved by science - hasn’t it? What IS Biblical Christianity? Is it still relevant? Yes!
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Guiding Communities out of Despair
Communities need leadership to guide them out of despair. Principles for today from the New Testament. David d'Lima from Family Voice Australia presents how Paul brought practical and spiritual leadership to a community in despair. Learn how Christians can participate in civic life and decision making. One of the sessions from Australia's Nation Building Conference. www.cforu.net
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Be Different!
A message that is "a little bit Different"... Unusual - Unfeigned - Unmoveable - Unspotted - Unaustralian - Uncompromising. Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts... We are to be Different, and we are to make a difference. You can be different. You can make the difference...
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Do Justly
He hath showed thee o man what is good... What does the Lord require of you? This sermon puts it in a nutshell. Walk humbly with Him.
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The Lord is My Shepherd
The Shepherd of Psalm 23 is the Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd of John 10. We can be assured of His care and leading, whatever faces us in the path of life. Will you be one of His sheep?
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Made Alive!
A summary of what the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ means for us. It tells of sin and of death, the devil, and disobedience. We hear of man's plight in fleshliness, vain philosophies, and disobedience. The richness of God's mercy and grace extended to us. What the Gospel - God's good news for modern man brings to the soul!
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A Better Sacrifice
Is your sacrifice worthy? What made Abel's offering different? Will He receive it? In what spirit do we come unto Him? Is your sacrifice spiritual?
Friday, 6 May 2011
Consider the Cost
The precious gift and exchange that was made at Calvary. Will you settle for a second-rate Jesus, or will you realise the great expense - the purpose for which He shed His blood? A transaction made at infinite cost. Will you be moved at the wonder of Calvary?
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His Hands
His touching, His keeping, His tenderness. Jesus’ hands reach out and extend a welcome to the wandering and hurting. Take a hold of His nail scarred hands. Find His grace is complete and sufficient. His hand is not shortened that it cannot save.
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Saturday, 23 April 2011
Grace, Mercy and Peace
At the cross we find Grace, Mercy, and Peace in the absolute act of Calvary. It is there that we see God at work in His work of salvation.
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Lord, have Mercy on me
Kevin Currell, Aussie evangelist ministers about the mercy of God revealed in how He works within our lives, even when facing times of suffering and testing.
When to Judge - when not to Judge
The Bible teaches there are times to judge and times not to judge.
Friday, 22 April 2011
Set Thine House in Order
The Lord wants our lives, our homes, our churches, to be in order. He prompts a godly order, a godly fear, and a godly honour within our homes and marriages.
Learn Not...
Learn not the way of the heathen - it's about a radical mindshift! A message against worldliness, fleshliness, and the popular pagan ways, including pride, sinful associations, and vain worldly philosophies, including in dress, music, worship, and fashion.
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Healing and the Gifts
Does God heal today? Can man heal today? What is the purpose of the 'sign gifts'? What is the difference between healing and the 'gifts' of healing?
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Personal Revival
An exhortation to move from a theology of the mind to a theology of the heart!
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Speaking in Tongues
Where did the 'unknown tongues' movement begin? What are true 'tongues' in Scripture?
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The History of the Pentecostal Movement
The amazing history of the Pentecostal movement traced from the seeds of the Holiness movement to the beginning of the Pentecostal movement in 1901.
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The Baptism with the Holy Spirit, The Filling
What does the 'Baptism with the Spirit' refer to in Scripture? How has it been understood in historical Christianity? What is the difference between the 'Baptism with the Spirit' and the Filling by the Spirit'?
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The King is Coming
Some End Time Changes... The Government will change - a new King will take over and reign worldwide; a Governor Who is perfectly just and kind. The Environment will experience a dramatic climate change - to absolute righteousness and peace. And the Employment will change - full and fulfilling employment, as we serve Him. The Lord is coming. Occupy till He comes!
The Person of the Holy Spirit
The key things the Bible says about the Person of the Holy Spirit. A message from Terry Arnold.
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To Be Like Him
The absolute role model for living the victorious Christian life - our true source. How can we be truly Christlike? Our guide for life, prayer, relationships. Serve like Him. Reach out like Him. Know His heart. he says, "Learn of Me."
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Love Not The World
Does the world draw you? Do you conform to it? Or will you be a pilgrim? The world's desires and traps are a danger to be warned of and steer clear of. Be unspotted. Replace a love for the world with a love for the Lord.
Better Things
What counts? Will we choose to worship Him? There is no better place. Will we choose His Word? Wisdom is better than rubies. Will we fear Him? The fear of the Lord is better than great treasure. Better a day in the courts of the Lord than a thousand elsewhere.
Bible Unity
Biblical unity has its basis in truth. It is not a unity at the expense of God's truth. It prompts a contending for the Faith and a stedfast separation and purity from sin and error.
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As a wrestler, we are meant to strive. Yet the average Christian shies away from any discomfort or inconvenience. Do we strive for the mastery? There is a struggle for which we must learn to tap into a strength beyond our own.
How can we be faithful? God is. Is our conduct becoming? Have we a different spirit? Like Daniel. Do we live consistent lives? What is the Gospel according to you? Are we ready for Heaven - and living like it now? A plea to examine ourselves and aspire to faithfulness.
What does the Bible say about the mind? Soundness of mind, soberness, a renewed mind, the mind of Christ, and humility of mind. Think on these things! God says my thoughts are not your thoughts. How can we we our brain-space wisely?
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Be a Hero!
Are you one of the champions? One of the real heroes of our generation? Will you have a good report? The hallmarks of heroes include courage, power, and commitment. A call to aspire to be a faith hero. You can be heroic, by faith!
Wake up Australia!
Sounding the alarm for Aussies against lukewarmness, false doctrine, national decay, and negligence. It is a serious hour. We need to awake to obedience to God, a sense of eternity, and to holiness.
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Core Mission
Our Lord is on a mission. To seek and to save the lost. It is still His mission today. And we share in that mission. We are called to be men and women on a mission. What is "mission critical"? Do we keep in touch with "Mission Control"? How will we know if it is "Mission accomplished"?
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Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Relationship with God
Brad ministers around the Lord's Table exhorting folk to a closer walk with the Lord. Not putting things, even the things of God, above our key responsibility - our RELATIONSHIP with God.
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Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Revival Fire
Our God is a consuming fire. Fire in the Word of God manifests His presence, and shows His way. It protects, cleanses, and consumes. And it comes down. It reflects God's work within us. Get re-ignited!
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Reviving Our First Love
Has your love for God fallen into a state of dry ritualism? How can we revive that first love we once knew when we were first saved? What does it mean to love God? This seminar will answer these questions and more.
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Reviving Our Faith
Do you feel like your faith is weak? That you find it hard to believe God? Is your faith so weak that you could never consider preaching the gospel for fear of man? Do you shudder to think of martyrdom? Do you find yourself thinking, "If only I could see a miracle, my faith would be strengthened? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, this seminar is for you!
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Personal Responsibility
We have come to think that all we need do as Christians is turn up at church and have our problems solved by Pastor Solve All or pay our taxes and have our family problems solved by the government. The Bible teaches something radically different. This seminar will lay the foundation for family and church revival and the necessary ingredients, personal responsibility, accountability and confession.
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Monday, 18 April 2011
The Missing Piece
For many life is like a puzzle with a missing piece. Wholeness and healing is possible. Wellness and wellbeing comes by relationship with, and learning the nature of Christ. He speaks peace still.
Seven Words
Christ's gripping last words from the cross. Picture His agony as He uttered these telling words. David Craig.
Blood on Hands
Our responsibility is grave. Will the blood of precious souls be upon our hands? Be a witness and tell others the saving message!
Zeal for the Lord
What is it that we are zealous about? We are to be a people zealous of good works. Is this evident in your prayer life? In your priorities? Is God at work in His power, unleashed in your life? An exhortation to zeal!
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Thy Word
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Honour the Word, obey it, and apply it. Continue in His Word.
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Thursday, 24 March 2011
Revelation Seminar - 16th April, 2011
Digging, examining and discussing the different interpretations of the Book of Revelation. Together we will unearth a time-honoured, profound, scholarly, and above-all BIBLICAL perspective ~ For your prayerful consideration. Presented by Richard O'Wallace.
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Sunday, 6 February 2011
By My Spirit
Our great need to be a Spirit-led people. What is the work of the Holy Spirit? It is He who must fill, fuel, and fire us for spiritual growth and works of service. We must be ever dependent upon God's enabling and equipping.
Living Water
The Holy Spirit is like a River of Life for the believer. A message about the deeper life in Christ from Allen Woodham.
How to Build!
In order to build you need a sure foundation. You must have an approval as a builder and in terms of standards you must meet. And the pattern must be followed. How are you building? Together with God? Will the life you build pass the fiery test that it faces?
What is your frame of reference for your life? A counter-cultural message concerning truth, faith, and relationships. Genuine Christianity is utterly radical and different from this upside-down world.
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Power in the Blood
Blood fills the Book. The Blood brings salvation, life, victory, cleansing, and safety. The Blood of Christ was shed at great cost. It is still effective today for the soul that trusts Him.
Thursday, 13 January 2011
The Truth Tester
The Truth is something we can come to know. We also need to recognise the counterfeits. How can we discern the two? The Source of Truth is found in the Authority of the Scriptures. A call to recognise the marks of the counterfeits, and reject them, and to receive and obey the Gospel.
The Gospel Heart
A message from Aussie fireball, Forbes Morrison, provoking the church to a serious response to the claims of the Gospel. A strong and needed word - it is time to make war and take the Gospel practically.
Friday, 7 January 2011
What is Acceptable
"Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord." Some things are. Some things are not. What IS acceptable to Him should dictate everything we do, what we fellowship with, how we worship, pray, give... Pleasing Him is the vital key for a fulfilled life that is lived to His glory and praise. An examination of where men have undertaken unacceptable acts, such as the "strange fire" and the "new cart". They serve as examples to us, and a warning. Praise to God, you can be ACCEPTED in the Beloved, and find out how you may truly please Him.
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Biblical principles ought to always guide our decision making and life choices, because it is authoritative for all of life. Developing humility is a key attitude a Christian ought to aspire to. This is evident in regard to evil speaking, our mindset and relationships towards others, in developing true servanthood, and most of all in coming under His mighty hand.
Endure Hardness
As soldiers in the cosmic conflict we are engaged in a hard battle. Hardness extends to the message we are called to deliver, the battlefield of life in which we face tests and trials, and the rugged discipline of self denial. The stretching times of hardness make us more resolute for the cause above any other. And we are assured certain victory won personally for us by virtue of our Commander-in-Chief, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His blood, sweat and tears at Calvary for our sins.
Josiah - Revival King
Keys to revival in the life and reign of King Josiah. A king aged eight who did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. He sought the Lord, and the Book, with a tender heart towards the Lord, and dealt with the nation's idols.
Faith or Favouritism?
Francois Serret and family preparing for missions work in Mauritius. Sharing the message of faith or favouritism?
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The Way of Holiness
The new and living way. You can join the company of the redeemed. They have changed direction to this way, finding strength in weakness, streams in the desert, and singing in their sorrow.
God is looking for faithful men and women. Where is the faithful church? The faithful word? Judgment must begin at the house of God. Are you ready?
A Fresh Touch of Jesus
How we need to take time to let the Lord Jesus minister to us. An encouragement to touch Him and trust Him afresh.
Lessons from Lot
Lot made some faulty decisions and we can see his life is a warning sign to prayerless men and carnal Christians. Escape for thy life! And don't look back!
Powerful magnetic forces atract and draw people - the cords of sin, or the drawing power of God. To what will we surrender?
Our Deliverer
Our Deliverer has set us free, as He has God's people through history, saving us from temptation, fear, and evil. Surely He shall deliver thee. Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory.
Praise ye the Lord
Praise is beautiful, powerful, and bountiful. God is worthy of it, It brings victory.
Our Anchor
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life? The answer to insecurity is to take hold of Christ, and cast an anchor into the unseen realm. We need an anchor for life. Christ is the stabilising force, sure and stedfast. He is our Rock, strong and secure.
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