Saturday, 12 January 2013

Spiritual Sacrifices

God has designed us - to offer up spiritual sacrifices. The fake, popular church has been redefined. The real is mocked and hated. A sacrifice must go through the fire. Will we be prepared for coming persecution? Will we abide the refiner's fire? Persecution is truly a blessing. A fiery trial prompts us to prayer, praise, and purity of faith and life.

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Mind Control?

There's a war on for your mind. An unholy war. A battle rages for hearts and minds. A deliberate program influences many systems across media, education, and religion. Where will we place our affection? Will the puppet master - the god of this world - pull the strings? Will we fall for spiritual and secular deceptions? Or will we discern Biblical truth?

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The Truth about Christmas

Are you willing to honestly explore the subject? What's Christmas all about? What is its real history? Where does it come from? What did the early church and credible Bible-believing Christians of yesteryear think of Christmas? An interesting study of materials gleaned on the subject. A wake up call to the masses who blindly follow an entirely pagan celebration. Slides adapted from

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Mystery Babylon

Mystery, Babylon the great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth. What does this mean? Research the story of Babel and Nimrod, the false Messiah. The Lord says, "Come out of her my people." Vital truths about pagan roots that still impact us today. Christianity has been hijacked. A subtle synthesis is going on, of which most of Christendom is ignorant. The lemmings accept the popular myth and tradition, with out a thought about where the dangerous mixture is leading. Ultimately to the last days counterfeit.

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Quicken me according to Thy Word. It's time for revival. An awakening, a renewing of God's people. A refreshing, a returning to the Word, to the power of God. A plea to set your house in order - to a turning from backsliding.

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Bless the Lord

I will bless the Lord at all times. It's a decision. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Tell your soul to praise and magnify Him. Glory in our awesome God. He is our source of gladness and joy.

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Not What You Know

Not what you know - it's who you know. A personal experience of relationship with God.

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The Pillar and Ground of Truth

The real church of God is meant to be founded squarely, resolutely solid, and strongly exalting the Truth to a world that needs this vital message. A strong exhortation to a steadfastness and faithfulness, for a church that aspires to be truly Biblical.

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The Writing is on the wall

The writing is on the wall for our nation. Humanism. Materialism. Secularism. Broken homes. Our children are medicated. Our communities, families, and churches, have lost their way. It's now a hate crime to speak the truth. God is not mocked - as a society we face judgment. We've been weighed in the balances and found wanting. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Let us retirn unto the Lord.

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Human Relations 101

A crash course in human relations. How to make friends and influence people! How we are to deal with the different people you meet in your life. Some ages old wisdom from 1 Thessalonians 5 - some people need a warning. Some need comfort, or support. And there is one universal quality we need to display to everyone we meet! It's called patience. Vital skills on how to relate with everyone in your life.

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Rest in the Lord

Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Trust in His saving and keeping power. He grants a blessed contentment. He can bring true peace in the worst of storms.

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Life after the grave

The record of Lazarus and the rich man. Of Heaven, and of Hell. A sombering message for a time when people forget God, at their peril.

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