Monday, 30 December 2013

The Sleeping Church

A wake up call.  It is high time to awake out of sleep.  The sleeping church needs to be stirred from its slumber!  Many saints are like a sleeping man, spiritually they are become dull, without sensitivity and consciousness to spiritual truth and life.  They are like Samson, become carnal and careless.  God rebukes the slothful, yet commends the diligent.  A call to awaken the church from its inaction, to new fervour.  To watch and be sober.  To be clothed with the armour of Light.  Wake up Australia!

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1059.

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How to Work for God

How are we to work?  To live the truly victorious Christian life?  You are His workmanship - His work of art.  He has a work for you to fulfil.  He says, be stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.  Be unshakeable.  Faithful.  Fruitful.  The constancy of the Christian.  Let us all play our individual part in 'the work of the Lord'.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1058.

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How to Pray

Two people went to pray - but only one prayer worked.  How are we to pray?  What hinders prayer?
Will our prayer be marked with humility, and from the heart?  How to pray - so that God hears you.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1057.

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Friday, 27 December 2013

25 years on... and we're still 'Fair Dinkum'

Fair Dinkum's 25th Anniversary Edition - Number 70 - online now.

This link opens the LATEST MAGAZINE as a PDF:

Review past issues at 'Fair Dinkum' tab and click each issue - eg, FD70The Magazine will open for you as a PDF that you can read, or print out. 

It was February 1989 that I made our first 'Fair Dinkum' Magazine, on a humble typewriter, while Julie and I were living in outback Australia with our three children. 

'Fair Dinkum' in Aussie lingo means real, true, genuine. 

Now, 25 years on, it's still going strong!  We've sent out over 80,000 printed copies. An astonishing 2.5 million pages, collated, stapled, and freely posted out to readers all over! 

Monday, 23 December 2013

God Manifested

An encounter with the invisible God, Who has made Himself known.  He is not far removed or hidden away.  He visits us.  His presence is evident, with His worshiping people.  God is manifested, in the Glory cloud and firey pillar.  He is manifested in the flesh - in the Person of Jesus Christ.  And He is manifested today in the Body of Christ, the church of which He is its driving force.  

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1056.

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Thursday, 19 December 2013

Receive the Word

A library in one volume, with great power. It's the Bible. Take it in humility, and it will work faith, peace, and power. There's light, victory, healing, and ultimately salvation in its message. Appreciate its authority, its sufficiency, its promises, and its application. Be a doer of the Word!


Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1054.

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Purity of the Church

God's design is for His church to be built after His Pattern.  The strength of the church is its purity in doctrine and practice.   It's amazing how God uses fallible people to be His living stones to build His church. I love the church!  Thank God, He uses the imperfect to be His own special people, the called out.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1055.

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No Guile

God's people should be marked by their language - that it be alike to their Master's - without guile.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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Miraculous Conception

The miracle of the virgin birth and the wonder of what it all means for us.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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What does it really mean?  What legalism is, and what it is not.  Legalism is a 'label' that people can misunderstand and misuse.  Legalism is works.  The key is understanding Grace, which is our ultimate aim, and recognising the basis and source of Authority for our lives.  Seeking to truly obey the Lord is Biblical and right.  That's not legalism.  Check your motivation.  There's a liberty that comes when pleasing God is our driving force.  It's not a yoke of bondage, but a freedom and a joy.    Grace teaches us and liberates us.  It sets us free in Christ.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1053.

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When I see the Blood...

The Passover is about blood shed, wrath poured out, and safety because of the Lamb.


Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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Battle Orders

Words of battle. A call to arms. Watch ye, stand fast in the faith. Summoning men to the front lines. To strength. To courage. The battle rages on. It will be won by Love.


Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1051.

 *Please note that advertising/other content at the host site is not necessarily endorsed by Church4u.*