Thursday, 4 December 2008
Advancing the Kingdom of Heaven
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A Heart for the Harvest
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Turning The World Upside Down
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No Man Cared for My Soul
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God's Love
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Compelling Questions
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Time to Seek the Lord
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The Great Supper
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How to Find a Good Church
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Missionaries to Madagascar
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The Second Coming of Christ
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In The Beginning, God
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Follow The Cloud
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The Healer of Broken Hearts
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Bible Prayer
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Citizens of Heaven
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The Church Building Program
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Sunday, 12 October 2008
Be ye separate. Separation brings blessing and fruitfulness. The beauty of holiness. Separation from worldliness and from false teaching is needful. Our separation touches every area of our lives, mental, physical, social and spiritual. Separation is twofold - from sin, and unto God and His new way of living.
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Philosophy of the World
The world and its ways - its vain philosophies - oppose the true Christian. There's a clash of cultures that threatens on many fronts: our Mind, our Music, our Modesty, and our whole use of time and way of living.
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The Works of the Flesh
Paul describes the works of the flesh. They are manifest and all around us: Sensual sins, Spiritual sins, and Social sins. Will you crucify the flesh with the affections and lusts? Will you walk in the flesh or in the Spirit?
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The Potter and the Clay
Jeremiah pictures God as a Potter working on His people. He fashions us, He fires us, and He fills us. Do you want to be made into a vessel useful for the Master's use?
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Saturday, 11 October 2008
Bible Prayer
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The Valley of Dry Bones
The New Age Movement
The New Age Movement is really the Old Lie of Genesis 3. It challenges God's Authority, our Accountability, and need of Atonement. A plea for caution and discernment in these last days.
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Lessons from the Life of Moses
Travel with Moses as we take a journey through his life of faith and learn some valuable lessons.
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The Passover
There had to be a death in every home that night - either a dead lamb or a dead son. We all deserve destruction, darkness and death. But God has provided Himself a lamb – the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The Passover reveals our great need for the Substitute, the Safety, and the Sacrifice. God brings great deliverance and victory because of Calvary.
Launch Out Into The Deep
Christ challenges us to leave the shore and launch out into the deep as we heed His call and take our faith seriously.
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The Truth is Out There
What is Truth? It's badly needed, sadly neglected, know it and follow it... The truth - learn it, love it, and live it. The truth shall set you free. Stick with it and stand up for it. Let's declare truth!
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Active Christianity
Give your faith a work out! Work out your salvation... God is the energiser working in you and through you, to will and to do of His good pleasure. He is the energy source you can connect with!
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Bought With a Price
As a believer you have been purchased at great expense by the Saviour, given a special place of belonging, and have reason to glorify your Lord. You have reason to live your life with purpose and hope.
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Joy - Rejoice in the Lord Always!
Paul commands us to rejoice in our Saviour, no matter what!
A message to encourage your heart to find Joy in Christ.
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Take a tour of the better country and the heavenly city, our true homeland, a place of delight and wonder and most of all where our Saviour will welcome us to His sweet communion and eternal joy.
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Fools of the Bible and fools for Christ.
Which are you? Are you ashamed?
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Lessons From the Life of Elijah
Elijah confronts Ahab and Jezebel and the false prophets of Baal and Ashteroth. Elijah's witness to the Work of the Lord, the Word of the Lord, and the Worship of the Lord. Have we the real or the false?
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What is Your Life Filled With?
Your life is like a container. Find about the completeness and the cleansing that is only possible through turning from the world and receiving salvation in Christ. You can find Abundant Life!
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Journey through Job. Meet the man. Learn of his trial, his testimony, his trust. Experience his suffering and witness his faith and faithfulness. In Job we see our need of the Redeemer and our Mediator, the Daysman, Jesus Christ.
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The Gospel: Evangelism
What is the evangel? What is evangelism? What does it matter? How you can be an ambassador for the Kingdom of Heaven. The Gospel means Joyful news - about Jesus - shared by Just Ordinary People!
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Creation or Evolution?
An examination of the claims of evolution and a look at the amazing design of the human body and of the universe. Take a microscopic and telescopic view. Was it all a freak accident, or are we fearfully and wonderfully made?
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Bibliology - The Doctrine of The Bible
The doctrine of the Bible, its infallibility, inspiration, and final authority.
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Dare to be a Daniel - An excellent spirit
Daniel's faith was evident in his purpose, his public testimony, and his prayerful life. A life lived with Excellence.
How to be a Man of God
How to be a real man. Calling men to stand and be strong in faith.
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Lessons from the Life of Nehemiah
Travel with Nehemiah, facing crisis with courage, and construction.
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Do You Love Jesus?
Is your love for Jesus real? Is your love evident, committed, costly, and caring?
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God is Our Refuge
The Name Of The Lord Is A Strong Tower. The Righteous Run Into It And Is Safe. Flee to Christ and find His refuge. He shall cover thee. He shall sustain thee. Believers can have a great assurance in the great fortress that is the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Exceeding Righteousness - Real and False
The Lord Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. What can we learn from this. Hear Aussie preacher cover the issues. It's not about Position, Pride, and Putting on a Show. Real righteousness is about the real Christian life... In Service, In Secret, and Inside.
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Change Agents
Part 1 - Global conspiracy. The power of change. Learn about the puppet masters, decipher the code words. Our world is going through a paradigm shift. They are re-defining everything. You will be controlled from cradle to grave. In education, entertainment and media systems, it's planned and it's everywhere.
Part 2 - Paradigm shift. Pastors as change agents. Leaven in the lump. Women pastors. Ecumenism. Is it Biblical? What is going on? They are redefining everything. Beware the change program.
Living a pure life, purity of mind and purity of heart. Discover the blessing that living for Christ brings.
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Lessons From the Life of Noah
Noah's testimony - a preacher of righteousness - a man of faith - just, courageous and faithful.
Two Gospels
A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ
How to Find Fulfilment in Life
Part 1: How to Walk with God
How to Walk... Walk worthy, walk with God, walk in the light. Life worth living! Life more abundant!
Part 2: How to Please God
How to find God’s best and be blessed. Life worth living! Life more abundant! An encouraging word.
The Gospel of Isaiah
Salvation is of the Lord
Our great NEED of Salvation - our need of a Sacrifice and a Substitute. What is Reconciliation and Redemption? What about Propitiation, Justification, and "The Finished Work of Christ"? Adoption and Regeneration explained.
He Saves, Secures and Sanctifies. Salvation is of the LORD!
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Speaking in Tongues
Bible answers on what is tongues? Who is it for? What does it all mean? Is it for today? Some Biblical understanding on this issue.
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Charting A Course: The Voyage of Life
Our life is like a journey, calling for a Compass and a Captain. How to avoid shipwreck in the course of life. Encouragement to be stedfast in the Christian life.
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The Blood of Christ
About the power of the Blood of Jesus and its significance for believers today.
Chosen Vessels
Chosen Vessels
Grace To Help
There's a Great High Priest, the Son of God. He invites you to take His hand and find eternal hope and life. Grace to help in time of need.
Note - video quality is not good for this one.
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Believer's baptism. Who is it for? What does it mean? Why should I be baptised?
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Baptism Study Booklet
Who is Baptism for? For all real Christians.
What is Baptism? A testimony of repentance and faith in Christ.
What does Baptism mean? A public witness of your faith in Christ
Why be baptised? To obey the Lord's command.
Baptism Study Booklet
Experiencing God
Experiencing God
It's about where you set your Priorities.
Peculiar People!
Peculiar People!
The Vision
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Heavenly Places
Heavenly Places
Secret Service
Secret Service
Church Builders
Church Builders
How to Grow as a Christian
Mary's Worship
Mary's Worship
Truth is at stake
The Truth
How to be Blessed!
A foretaste of Heaven. He says: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven… Real joy. Some keys for happiness we find in the Beatitudes.
Broken Things
Broken Things
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare
God is in Trouble!
God is in Trouble!
Extreme Christianity
Extreme Christianity
Getting People To Jesus
A Great Supper
God’s ready. Supper’s ready. Still there is room. Won’t you come and dine…?
A Great Supper
God's Omipotence
God's Omnipotence
The End is Nigh
The End is Nigh
The Fear of God
The Fear of God
God's Omnipresence
God's Omnipresence
The Believer's Crowns
Crowns of the Believer
The Second Coming
The Return
How to Treat People
Get Real
Look for what counts - not the trivial things.
Look within - the inside needs a clean up.
Look after people - how do you treat people?
Faith, Hope, Love
Faith, Hope, Love
The Rejected One
Happy Families
Happy Families
Jesus Touches People
Jesus Touches Lives
Believer's Baptism
Baptism Study
First Things First
First Things First
God's Church
God's Church
The Empty Tomb
The empty tomb is reason for Hope, for Faith, for Victory.
The Empty Tomb
The Passover - The Great Escape!
The Passover
Be A Real Man
A Real Man
Examine Yourself!
A genuine, authentic one?
Are you for real?
Or pretend?
Examine Yourself!
The Bible
The Bible
The Armour of God
The Armour
The King
The King
How is Your Heart?
The Heart
Standing Strong
Standing Strong
Running The Race
So Run that ye may obtain the prize. It’s a Race. It’s a Fight. It’s a Battle. But…There’s a Prize. There’s a Crown. There’s a Victory to be won. Will you run so as to be a winner? Will you win the prize? Are you even in the race yet?
Run the Race
A Place at His Table
The Table of The Lord
How To Find Peace
Finding Peace
Living in the Now
NOW is the Time!
How to Make Your Mark
Making Your Mark
How to Enjoy Life
New Year's Resolutions
Citizens of Heaven
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Lessons from the Life of Job
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Bible Truth
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How to be a Man of God in a World of Sin
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The Church Building Program
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Saturday, 30 August 2008
Fair Dinkum #66 - May 2008
Download Fair Dinkum 66
I trust that this paper will uplift and challenge each reader. Fair Dinkum has been going around 20 years. Thanks for your support.
Real Christianity
Contrasts the false hypocrisy of the Pharisees with real faith in Christ.
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The account of the rich man and Lazarus. What Hell is like and how to avoid it.
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Paul's Prayer
We can find a guide to prayer in Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3.
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Guidance For Life
How to find the will of God and do it.
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Church For You Australia
A history of the beginnings and activities of Church For You over its first ten years.
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Taking it to the Streets
Street preaching in the city. Taking the message of hope and rescue to the heart of our city.
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The Model Prayer
The Lord teaches us how to pray. Our Father responds to our Faith as we make Him our Focus. Prayer connects us with Heaven.
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The Church in Action
Dave Griffiths shares of our Lord, forseen as the Lamb, the High Priest, and our Suffering yet Victorious Saviour. Gather around the Lord's Table and remember Him.
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Honouring God - Bro Minnick
...them that honour me I will honour...
Andrew Minnick from Cardwell, Queensland.
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Fellowship - Why Church is Important
Be considerate. Be together. Be ready for Christ's return. Hebrews 10:24-25 Provoke unto love and to good works... not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together... but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
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First Love
The church at Ephesus is in trouble - with God. The problem is a casual kind of Christianity that is just playing church. A challenging message, to return to your first love.
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The Devil's Devices
The Fatherhood of God
God as Father and what it can mean for you.
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The Compassion of Jesus Christ
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Go Ye Into All The World
The call rings out still to take the Message of salvation to our neighbours, to our World.
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Talking Right!
You can trust the Holy Bible
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Friday, 29 August 2008
New site launched!
We hope you like the new site, please check back or leave a comment!