Thursday, 4 December 2008

Advancing the Kingdom of Heaven

The church is an outpost of God's Kingdom on earth.  An advancing army.  A community created by the Spirit.  Make Heaven your priority.  Experience the power of Heaven in your life today.

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A Heart for the Harvest

Souls around us are like ripened grain.  Enter the harvestfield and be a witness for Christ.

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Turning The World Upside Down

The church is meant to be an influence on the world...  as we turn the world upside down we are really turning things right side up.  As Christians we are unorthodox, non conformists, not conforming to the world and its thinking.  Our modern culture and its media is redefining everything and desensitising us.  What as Christians is meant to be our relationship to the world and our responsibility to the world?

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No Man Cared for My Soul

Souls are in danger.  But - who cares?  Souls are valuable beyond measure.  Do we care?  Souls need the Saviour.  Jesus cares.  People talk of nailcare, bodycare, haircare... The church should be a "soul-care" station.

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God's Love

Consider His Commandments, His Love, His Life.  Greater Love hath no man than this...

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Compelling Questions

What do you want?  What does Jesus want?  Who do you want?  Snapshots on the way to the cross.

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Time to Seek the Lord

Hosea calls out to the backsliding Jewish nation, "It is time to seek the Lord".  Sow the seed.  Reap in Mercy.  Break up your fallow ground.

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Encourage one another - with your example, your words, your life.  Encourage daily, day by day, while it is called Today.  Be an encourager.

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The Great Supper

There's an Invitation extended.  It is Precious, Pressing, and a Priority.  Yet sadly so many  make excuses - they choose to ingnore it or refuse it.  Salvation is a feast, free to all.  Come and partake of it!

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How to Find a Good Church

The hallmarks of a good church...  Ephesians 2:13-22.  The Household of God - a family of God's own people; brothers and sisters who love the Lord.  The Holy Temple in the Lord - pure and separated.  The Habitation of God through the Spirit - a people who know and live for Christ.

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Serving the Lord - deaconing - can happen in different ways, as we all serve in our areas of gifting.  An exhortation to be a servant of the Lord where you are as God enables you.

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Missionaries to Madagascar

Jeff and Kerry O'Derry, and son Charlie are missionaries to the field of Madagascar. Jeff's message is a challenge and testimony of God's grace.

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The Second Coming of Christ

Reason for readiness, for restraint, and for rejoicing.  The imminent return of Jesus Christ to planet earth is what the Bible refers to as "The Blessed Hope".  It's cause for joy in the midst of uncertain times.

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In The Beginning, God

Our amazing world, from the smallest cell to the great expanse of the skies, bears witness to the reality of creation and the flaws of evolution.

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Follow The Cloud

Join Moses and the Children of Israel on their journey as they follow the Cloud on the way to the Promised Land.  The cloud represents for us God's guiding, giving light, and going with us day by day.

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The Healer of Broken Hearts

He came to heal the brokenhearted... Luke 4:18 Our world can find a Healer who can touch and restore the shattered, wounded, hurt and broken people. He puts the broken pieces back together and mends lives damaged by sin. The great heart doctor offers tender mercies and healing for the hurting.

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Bible Prayer

Prayer is communication with God.  This message looks at reasons why we pray, and how we should pray.  The characteristics of prayer.  Prayer is a great privilege.  Don't miss out!

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Citizens of Heaven

As God's people, our Citizenship is in Heaven.  Our allegiance is to our true home, the Heavenly Country, and its King.  As Citizens of Heaven we belong to a godly Community and ought to display a Conduct becoming.  As a stranger and pilgrim our loyalty is to the Kingdom of God and we can know the joy of treasures in Heaven.

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The Church Building Program

Christ is building His Church- as the Builder, the Foundation, and the Owner.  His Church is a Holy Temple with the Fear of God.  He is building us together for His glory.

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Sunday, 12 October 2008


Psalm 1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD... The Bible doctrine of separation means being separate from worldliness and error. Separation is also a separation unto the Lord, in our devotion and commitment to Him.

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Be ye separate. Separation brings blessing and fruitfulness. The beauty of holiness. Separation from worldliness and from false teaching is needful. Our separation touches every area of our lives, mental, physical, social and spiritual. Separation is twofold - from sin, and unto God and His new way of living.

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Philosophy of the World

Colossians 2:8-10. Worldliness means the ways of the world, the ungodly culture that is sensual and dishonours God. These ungodly systems and philosophies can trap and hurt people. The serious Christian will not follow the fashions of the sinful world, but will aim to keep “unspotted from the world.” A plea to consider where we stand in terms of conduct, dress, music, thinking, and mindset.

The world and its ways - its vain philosophies - oppose the true Christian. There's a clash of cultures that threatens on many fronts: our Mind, our Music, our Modesty, and our whole use of time and way of living.

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The Works of the Flesh

Galatians 5:19-21. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings. The flesh nature. Let’s not follow the flesh, but be led by the Spirit…

Paul describes the works of the flesh. They are manifest and all around us: Sensual sins, Spiritual sins, and Social sins. Will you crucify the flesh with the affections and lusts? Will you walk in the flesh or in the Spirit?

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The Potter and the Clay

Jeremiah 18. God is like a Potter working on His people. He has a plan and design. He uses the raw material that is you and me. We are but clay in His hands. We are the work of His hands - His craftsmanship. What is God’s purpose for our life? We are all a lump of clay that the potter is working on. God knows what He is doing. He allows a measure of suffering in our lives. He's forming His own character in us. You can be made fit for the master’s use.

Jeremiah pictures God as a Potter working on His people. He fashions us, He fires us, and He fills us. Do you want to be made into a vessel useful for the Master's use?

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Saturday, 11 October 2008

Bible Prayer

Prayer is Communication with God. How to pray. Fervent prayer. Intense prayer. Believing prayer. Prevailing prayer. Persevere in prayer. Agonising prayer. Spiritual power through prayer. This message looks at reasons why we pray, and how we should pray. The characteristics of prayer. Prayer is a great privilege. Don't miss out!

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The Valley of Dry Bones

A revival in a graveyard. Ezekiel 37:1-14. Dry bones come alive… God can revive our churches, our lives. We need the Breath of God! God breathes life back into us. Freshness. The power of the Holy Spirit. The bones become an exceeding great army.

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The New Age Movement

The New Age Movement is a bunch of philosophies alike to how the serpent undermines God's Word with Eve in the Garden of Eden, questioning the Authority of the Bible, man's Accountability to God, and our need of the Atonement. It's a one world religion that says you are divine. People can create their own god. Humans, like all creation, are an extension of the divine oneness. Message exposes the dangers of this religious movement based on self instead of relying upon God and His truth. And it is inflitrating the church. Beware!

The New Age Movement is really the Old Lie of Genesis 3. It challenges God's Authority, our Accountability, and need of Atonement. A plea for caution and discernment in these last days.

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Lessons from the Life of Moses

Follow Moses’ life… 40 years - as a prince in a palace, a shepherd in exile, and then as a deliverer of God’s people. God’s hand was on Moses’ life. God’s choosing and using of Moses was despite his attempts at excuses why he couldn’t do what God said. Moses is an example of faith, meekness, endurance, and prayer.

Travel with Moses as we take a journey through his life of faith and learn some valuable lessons.

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The Passover

God's judgement falls on Egypt. A devotion at the Lord's Table.

There had to be a death in every home that night - either a dead lamb or a dead son. We all deserve destruction, darkness and death. But God has provided Himself a lamb – the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The Passover reveals our great need for the Substitute, the Safety, and the Sacrifice. God brings great deliverance and victory because of Calvary.

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Launch Out Into The Deep

Luke 5:1-11 The Lord tells Peter, the expert fisherman, "Launch out into the deep… Let down your nets for a draught." It seemed impossible. "Nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. The Word makes the difference. The Word brought abundance. Faith will fill the net.

Christ challenges us to leave the shore and launch out into the deep as we heed His call and take our faith seriously.

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The Truth is Out There

John 18:37-38 People are searching for it. It was staring Pilate in the face, but He missed it. Truth is badly needed, yet sadly neglected. We must get right with God, get real, and get the reliable, authentic article. Don't fall for deception. Seek out and find the Truth.

What is Truth? It's badly needed, sadly neglected, know it and follow it... The truth - learn it, love it, and live it.  The truth shall set you free.  Stick with it and stand up for it.  Let's declare truth!

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Active Christianity

Philippians 2. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Are you taking it seriously? The Christ-driven life. Energised by His enabling power.

Give your faith a work out!  Work out your salvation... God is the energiser working in you and through you, to will and to do of His good pleasure.  He is the energy source you can connect with!

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Bought With a Price

1 Corinthians 6:19-20. We are bought by His great Price. Become His Property. Let us sing His Praise. Glorify God in your body.

As a believer you have been purchased at great expense by the Saviour, given a special place of belonging, and have reason to glorify your Lord.  You have reason to live your life with purpose and hope.

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Joy - Rejoice in the Lord Always!

"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice."-Philippians 4:4. We have a Reason for joy and rejoicing, in His salvation. Be happy in the Lord. Delight in Him. Be thankful. Be joyful in the Lord.

Paul commands us to rejoice in our Saviour, no matter what!

A message to encourage your heart to find Joy in Christ.

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Heaven is for Pilgrims here below, a Place that is real and ready, and most of all, it's about a Person, the ruler of that world to come in the hereafter, Whom we can come to know in the here and now. Join me as we take a tour of this fabulous city… Heaven.

Take a tour of the better country and the heavenly city, our true homeland, a place of delight and wonder and most of all where our Saviour will welcome us to His sweet communion and eternal joy.

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Fools and Foolishness. The Fool has no FAITH. Like the unwise builder he has no FOUNDATION to build upon. Like the rich man caught unprepared for death, he has no FUTURE. Fools have no FEAR OF GOD before their eyes. God has chosen the FOOLISHNESS of PREACHING to warn and beckon souls to come to Christ.

Fools of the Bible and fools for Christ.

Which are you? Are you ashamed?

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Lessons From the Life of Elijah

Elijah - a life committed to the Work of God, the Word of God, the Worship of God. Who was he? What can we learn from his life? He was a man of God. He stood firm and restored the true worship.

Elijah confronts Ahab and Jezebel and the false prophets of Baal and Ashteroth.  Elijah's witness to the Work of the Lord, the Word of the Lord, and the Worship of the Lord.  Have we the real or the false?

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What is Your Life Filled With?

What's your life filled with? You are a container, a vessel. God wants you to be a vessel unto honour, sanctified… that means to separate or set apart – for God. In Christ we can experience heart cleansing and completeness, true fulfilment.

Your life is like a container. Find about the completeness and the cleansing that is only possible through turning from the world and receiving salvation in Christ.  You can find Abundant Life!

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The Book of Job is one of the oldest books in the world. It tells of Job’s life and suffering. Job was a God-fearing man. His life was one of TRIAL, TESTIMONY, and TRUST. God can use tests and storms whilst we may not always understand.

Journey through Job.  Meet the man.  Learn of his trial, his testimony, his trust.  Experience his suffering and witness his faith and faithfulness.  In Job we see our need of the Redeemer and our Mediator, the Daysman, Jesus Christ.

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The Gospel: Evangelism

It means Joyful News, Jesus, and, what's more, it's for Just ordinary people like you and me. Spread the Good News! This is too important to keep to ourselves! God is real. Heaven is real, and Hell is real. People die every day condemned to eternity in Hell because they have not trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour.

What is the evangel?  What is evangelism?  What does it matter?  How you can be an ambassador for the Kingdom of Heaven.  The Gospel means Joyful news - about Jesus - shared by Just Ordinary People!

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Creation or Evolution?

Evolution contradicts science. There is no evidence of fossils of transitional life forms nor living transitional forms. It contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics - things decay. Is life a meaningless accident? Or do we live within a God-created universe? Design points to a designer. Consider the human body and the Universe. There's only one conclusion: Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11.

An examination of the claims of evolution and a look at the amazing design of the human body and of the universe.  Take a microscopic and telescopic view.  Was it all a freak accident, or are we fearfully and wonderfully made?

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Bibliology - The Doctrine of The Bible

A rich library, yet one unified book. The Word of God. The testimony of Science, Geology, the Scribes, its Supernatural Predictions, Archaeology, and the Testimony of the Spirit and of the Saved. Divine, Inspired, Authoritative, Inerrant, Infallible. It can bring you life, comfort and hope.

The doctrine of the Bible, its infallibility, inspiration, and final authority.

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Dare to be a Daniel - An excellent spirit

Daniel had a an excellent spirit - Daniel 6:3. Pro 17:27 He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. An excellent spirit shows through in your loyalty, your character, and your affections. Are you a person of character? With allegiance, integrity, and unwavering faith. He’s a model of Excellence. In His Purpose, his Public Testimony, his Prayerfulness. Can we aspire to be excellent?

Daniel's faith was evident in his purpose, his public testimony, and his prayerful life.  A life lived with Excellence.

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How to be a Man of God

Men and manliness are needed in these dire days. Be watchful, be stedfast, be a man. Consider the Bible men who were men with guts, men with determination, men with backbone. 1 Cor. 16:13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

How to be a real man. Calling men to stand and be strong in faith.

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Lessons from the Life of Nehemiah

The rebuilding of a city. Nehemiah's life starts with crisis, and through his courage we see its re-construction. Valuable lessons for the life of faith.

Travel with Nehemiah, facing crisis with courage, and construction.

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Do You Love Jesus?

He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jona, lovest thou me? Loving Jesus means Commitment, Cost, Caring. Do you love Him?

Is your love for Jesus real?  Is your love evident, committed, costly, and caring?

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God is Our Refuge

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Deuteronomy 33:27 The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Is He your refuge and fortress? We must flee to God to be safe – to receive his protection.

The Name Of The Lord Is A Strong Tower.  The Righteous Run Into It And Is Safe.  Flee to Christ and find His refuge.  He shall cover thee.  He shall sustain thee.  Believers can have a great assurance in the great fortress that is the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

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Exceeding Righteousness - Real and False

Matthew 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. Have we got righteousness which is… In service, In secret – and – most of all - Inside? This is exceeding righteousness.

The Lord Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for their hypocrisy.  What can we learn from this.  Hear Aussie preacher cover the issues.  It's not about Position, Pride, and Putting on a Show.  Real righteousness is about the real Christian life... In Service, In Secret, and Inside. 

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Change Agents

The times… they are a’ changing… It's a paradigm shift. Leaven. Our society and the church itself is changing. There is a slow and subtle undermining of Biblical Christianity, Christian standards, Godly principles. Sure, we need change. The change we need is to repent and get right with God, and get back to the Book.

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Part 1 - Global conspiracy. The power of change. Learn about the puppet masters, decipher the code words. Our world is going through a paradigm shift. They are re-defining everything. You will be controlled from cradle to grave. In education, entertainment and media systems, it's planned and it's everywhere.

Part 2 - Paradigm shift. Pastors as change agents. Leaven in the lump. Women pastors. Ecumenism. Is it Biblical? What is going on? They are redefining everything. Beware the change program.


Keep pure. Pure mind. Pure heart. Pure life. 1 John 3:3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

Living a pure life, purity of mind and purity of heart. Discover the blessing that living for Christ brings.

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Lessons From the Life of Noah

Noah's World, Noah's Character, and Lessons for us today.

Noah's testimony - a preacher of righteousness - a man of faith - just, courageous and faithful.

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Two Gospels

You’ve two options to pick from… The real or the fake. The fair dinkum or the fraud. There is the counterfeit, and there is the true… Who will you follow? We are warned of many counterfeits: a lot of spiritual counterfeits… Counterfeit Christians, prophets, miracles, angels, gods, good works, godliness, converts, spirits, doctrine, and Counterfeit gospels.

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A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ

It means making a commitment, facing combat, and receiving commendation. The Christian life is compared with the experience of being a soldier in the service of the Lord.

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How to Find Fulfilment in Life

1 Thessalonians 4:1. How ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more. What is your life filled with? Finding fulfilment in life really comes from meeting personally the maker and designer of your life.

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Part 1: How to Walk with God

How to Walk... Walk worthy, walk with God, walk in the light. Life worth living! Life more abundant!

Part 2: How to Please God

How to find God’s best and be blessed. Life worth living! Life more abundant! An encouraging word.

The Gospel of Isaiah

Isaiah 53:1-12. The Gospel of Isaiah portrays the Sorrows, the Suffering, and the Sin borne by our Saviour at Calvary. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

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Salvation is of the Lord

Salvation terminology.  What does it all mean?  Words like sacrifice, propitiation, redemption, atonment, reconciliation, substitution. 

Our great NEED of Salvation - our need of a Sacrifice and a Substitute.  What is Reconciliation and Redemption?  What about Propitiation, Justification, and "The Finished Work of Christ"?  Adoption and Regeneration explained. 

He Saves, Secures and Sanctifies.  Salvation is of the LORD!

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Speaking in Tongues

What is Tongues? What is it for? An analysis of the Bible references to Tongues. It is a sign of acceptance, of judgment, for unbelievers, for Jews. A sign fulfilled. Important Bible study.

Bible answers on what is tongues? Who is it for? What does it all mean? Is it for today? Some Biblical understanding on this issue.

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Charting A Course: The Voyage of Life

Our world has lost its moral compass? How about you? Where are you headed? Have you a reliable Compass? A clear Course? A reliable Captain?

Our life is like a journey, calling for a Compass and a Captain.  How to avoid shipwreck in the course of life. Encouragement to be stedfast in the Christian life.

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The Blood of Christ

The significance of the Blood of Christ. A meditation around the Lord's Table. The precious blood Justifies (Rom 5:9), Redeems (Eph 1:7), Reconciles (Eph 2:13), and Cleanses (1 John 1:7).

About the power of the Blood of Jesus and its significance for believers today.

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1 John 5:21. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Have you any false gods? Tear down the idols. 1 Corinthians 10:14 Flee from idolatry!

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Chosen Vessels

1 Corinthians 1:27. God hath chosen the foolish, the weak, base, things which are despised. God takes the nobodies and infills them with His power… We have this treasure in earthen vessels.

Chosen Vessels


Luke 4:14-21 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised... Christ has come that we might have LIFE. Jesus mends broken hearts… And His Mission is Our Mission.


Grace To Help

Hebrews 4:14-16 Your PRIEST. We have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities. Your PROFESSION. Let us hold fast our profession… Your PRAYER. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. He is as close as a prayer away.

There's a Great High Priest, the Son of God. He invites you to take His hand and find eternal hope and life. Grace to help in time of need.

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Note - video quality is not good for this one.

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Baptism follows a commitment to Christ… It is for all real Christians. It means to immerse. It is a public witness of your faith in Christ. This study accompanies the shorter study in the accompanying Baptism Booklet.

Believer's baptism.  Who is it for? What does it mean? Why should I be baptised?

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Baptism Study Booklet

Baptism Study.
Who is Baptism for? For all real Christians.
What is Baptism? A testimony of repentance and faith in Christ.
What does Baptism mean? A public witness of your faith in Christ
Why be baptised? To obey the Lord's command.

Baptism Study Booklet

Experiencing God

Acts 9:1-27. Paul's dramatic encounter with God on the Damascus Road. He cries, who are you Lord? What do you want me to do? You can obey or disobey God…

Experiencing God


Matthew 6:24-34. You can't serve two masters. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Right-ness with God. Do you have it? Are you right with God?

It's about where you set your Priorities.

Peculiar People!

1 Peter 2:9-11 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people. Our culture, as God's people, makes us different. We’re strangers and pilgrims. It means we’re away from our homeland. We’re foreigners here.

Peculiar People!


Isaiah 6:1-10. The Vision our church needs is the Vision that Isaiah had. It’s The Worship – Holy! Holy! Holy! It’s the Walk – thine iniquity is taken away! It’s the Word – hearing the voice of the Lord and doing something about it…

The Vision

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Heavenly Places

How we can have heaven on earth… It is possible… Heaven's blessings, Heaven's power, Heaven's grace. God's people are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.

Heavenly Places

Secret Service

Matthew 6:1-18 What are you like "in secret"? God sees. Our Lord commends our secret Giving, Prayer, and Good works. Join the secret service!

Secret Service

Church Builders

Colossians 1:1-12 relates the special qualities of the faithful brethren at Colossae - the characteristics of people who are church-builders. Are you someone who will build the church… Faithful, Caring, Mature? Proverbs 20:6, “a faithful man who can find?”

Church Builders

How to Grow as a Christian

God doesn’t want you to be static and stand still and stagnant. The Lord Jesus, our example, grew in three dimensions in Luke 2:40. He wants you to go forward, progress, increase… to Grow… in Spirit, in Fulness of Wisdom, and in Grace.


Mary's Worship

Three things about Mary’s worship in John 12:1-8. The Sacrifice, the Selflessness, and the Sweetness. Are you a sweet fragrance to your home and community?

Mary's Worship

Truth is at stake

Truth... What is it? How do we know what is true? What to believe? Who to believe? Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding (Proverbs 23:23). There's a Crisis for Truth going on. Sin. False Doctrine. False Christians. The Answer for our Crisis is the Truth.

The Truth

How to be Blessed!

Who are the blessed? The happy? Hear the King! He is talking about His Kingdom…
A foretaste of Heaven. He says: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven… Real joy. Some keys for happiness we find in the Beatitudes.



Short study concerning responsibility. As a Christian God’s Word urges us to take responsibility about how we live. Covers our responsibility to God, authorities, employers, and to one another - the Church.


Broken Things

A meditation around the Lord's Table. Broken Bread, Broken Body, Broken Heart. As we break bread together we remember the brokenness of Christ. God fixes up broken up people. In His brokenness is our completeness.

Broken Things

Spiritual Warfare

Ephesians 6:10-18. We are at war. There is an enemy facing us with whom we have to do battle. We have to wrestle. There's a war on - to take over your way of thinking, through education, through influences like who we mix with, what the media says to us… We see it in our world’s philosophy and culture. The secret of victory over Satan's temptations is knowing that Christ lives in us and trusting Him to give us the victory.

Spiritual Warfare


Are you clean? Psa 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God. Sin is the great defiler.
The blood of Christ cleanses from all sin. You can have a clean conscience, and be made a clean vessel for God to use.


Christian Attitude

How is your attitude? A study about forgiveness, love, servanthood, and thankfulness.


God is in Trouble!

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Find refuge in the storm. Come under His shelter.

God is in Trouble!


Study on Prayer and the believer. Prayer brings closeness with God, in worship and thankfulness. Helpful pointers to guide your prayers.


Extreme Christianity

You’ve heard of Extreme Sports. How about Extreme Christianity… Here's some X’s that are good for you… We should go the EXTRA MILE (Matt 5:41), and aim to EXCEED (Matthew 5:20). Aspire to be EXCELLENT and do EXPLOITS for God (Daniel 11:32). Set a good EXAMPLE (1 Timothy 4:12) and be EXTRAVAGANT for God's glory!

Extreme Christianity

Getting People To Jesus

Mark 2:1-12. Bring all men, by all means, to Jesus… A parable that illustrates our call to the vital task of outreach.


Baby Dedication

Simple format for a Baby Dedication Service.

Baby dedication


Acts 16:9-10 ...Come over into Macedonia, and help us. A call for help. The call of God. His Commission. The message needs to be delivered still.


A Great Supper

Luke 14:16-24 The call goes out. An invitation to deliver. It's an urgent, vital message. Souls to win. Souls to rescue. Souls to save. Constrain them.

God’s ready. Supper’s ready. Still there is room. Won’t you come and dine…?

A Great Supper

God's Omipotence

Short study. God is all-powerful. He is omnipotent - all things are in His control.

God's Omnipotence

The End is Nigh

These are perilous times. We are the end time generation. The days we’re living in are the last days of planet earth. The signs are all around us. A summary of end time signs and what this means for us today.

The End is Nigh

The Fear of God

We need a revival of the Fear of the Lord. Hebrews 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom... If you fear God it’s going to show in your daily walk and living. There’s going to be a radical difference.

The Fear of God


Join Jonah on his adventures, his voyage, his backsliding, and see God's hand at work through it all.



You can find peace with God. Our Lord assures us of His peace. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Message explores how we can experience His peace, as we lean on Him, live for Him, and love His Word.


God's Omnipresence

Short Bible study of God's omnipresence. Psalm 139:7-12. His omnipresence brings comfort, protection and courage to our lives.

God's Omnipresence

The Believer's Crowns

A study of the Five Crowns promised in God's Word for believers . The Incorruptible crown. The crown of Righteousness. The crown of Life. The crown of Glory. The crown of Rejoicing.

Crowns of the Believer

The Second Coming

Titus 2:11-15 Our great expectation. A Heavenly visitor is on His way. "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." The Blessed Hope motivates us. We have something to look forward to with faith and confidence. Look beyond. Look above. Look up. Are you ready for His return...?

The Return

How to Treat People

Relationships. 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15 ...warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. How do you treat other people?


Get Real

Matthew 23:24-31. Are you for real? Ways to avoid being a hypocrite.
Look for what counts - not the trivial things.
Look within - the inside needs a clean up.
Look after people - how do you treat people?


Faith, Hope, Love

The Church at Thessalonica had a lot going for them... 1 Thessalonians 1:1-4 ...Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ... FAITH is a happening thing - it will activate you. LOVE has energy and action. HOPE is enduring and constant, as we expectantly anticipate our Lord's return!

Faith, Hope, Love

The Comforter

The Holy Spirit - Eternal, Personal, Internal. His transforming power works within us.

The Comforter

The Rejected One

Isaiah 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men... DESPISED – an object of hatred - abused, beaten. He was hated so that we could be loved. REJECTED – treated with utter contempt, unwanted, forsaken. He was rejected so that we could be accepted. God accepts people. This man receiveth sinners. The blind, the prostitutes, the lepers, the poor. He was GRIEF STRICKEN – the One motivated by joy knew all about suffering and grief. He bore the full brunt of it to bring us Life.


Happy Families

God intervenes for people. Psalm 146:1-10. WHO to turn to for… Happiness, Help, and Hope. God is for you. You are accepted in the beloved. There is a Place of compassion… A Future, and a Hope. There is a Haven, a Home, eternal in the Heavens… A Father to know, love, and be loved by… Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God.

Happy Families

Our King

Notes about the Lord Jesus as King before Pilate.

Our King

Jesus Touches People

He wants to reach out and touch you. The Lord Jesus reached out and touched people… The Blind, The Diseased, The Children. Jesus reaches out in care for people of all ages. He brings life and hope. He holds us safe and embraces us… See Him touch the leper. He can heal us from our dread affliction - the leprosy of sin. Matthew 8:1-3. You can reach out and touch Him today.

Jesus Touches Lives

Believer's Baptism

Short Bible study on Baptism. Who is it for? When should we be baptised? and What does it mean? A public declaration and symbol of our union by faith with Christ.

Baptism Study

First Things First

Setting priorities. J-O-Y. Jesus First, Others Second, Yourself Last. What makes a life successful? Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. You can experience true "Quality of life"!
First Things First

God's Church

The Church of God as described by Paul in 1 Corinthians Chapter 1. If you are in God's church, you're a SAINT - separated unto the Lord. You're RICH - because of Him, in grace, in faith, and in gifts. You're STRONG - stedfast, blameless, and fellowshipping.

God's Church

The Empty Tomb

He is not here - He is risen! What does the resurrection mean for us today?
The empty tomb is reason for Hope, for Faith, for Victory.

The Empty Tomb

The Passover - The Great Escape!

Lessons from the Passover. You're separated! Your'e safe! You're set free! Meditations around the Lord's Table.

The Passover


He had the best of teaching. The best possible preacher. He was in the best possible church. Are you like Judas? Just going through the motions? Are you a churchgoer but not saved? Maybe others think that you are really saved. What privileges has God given to you? What are you doing with it?


Be A Real Man

Devotion for Men’s Breakfast. God’s design for men. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14. Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. TAKE A STAND. TAKE COURAGE. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.

A Real Man


Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22. A "heavy sermon" about the kinds of Burdens and heavy loads people carry… Guilt. People get bowed down under the leaden weight of sin. Sorrows. The heavy loads of sadness, sickness. Worries. Fears, responsibilities, troubles… Loss. Of losing a loved one. Loneliness. Disappointment. And the answer!


Examine Yourself!

Take a look at yourself - Get real! Get ready! Get right! A time to examine yourselff around the Lord's Table. Search yourself. Are you a real Christian?
A genuine, authentic one?
Are you for real?
Or pretend?

Examine Yourself!


Teaching about principles of respect. Respect for all men, leaders, authority, older people, parents, your spouse. Showing respect. Honouring the Lord.


The Bible

Hebrews 4:12-16 - The Word of God. It livens things up. It powers things up. And it cuts things up. Don't miss this!

The Bible

The Armour of God

Ephesians 6:10-20. Be strong. Stand. It's time for spiritual combat. How desperately we need to be armed with the Spiritual Armour for the battles that lie ahead!

The Armour

The King

He is like no other - in His Authority, His Claims, His Right to Rule. What will be your response to Him? John 18:33-40.

The King

How is Your Heart?

Jeremiah 17:5-10. Have you got heart trouble? Your heart is you. Check your heart condition. Is it a CURSED HEART that departs from the Lord? Dead, lifeless. This is the lost man. The lost heart. Or - a BLESSED HEART - one who puts his trust in the Lord. You can find life with a capital L, life filled and overflowing with hope, with direction, with real life. The life lived to the full.

The Heart


Short Bible study concerning the responsibilities of work. Our blueprint for life, the Bible, shows us how we are to occupy ourselves and support our needs through earning income through work. This has been part of God’s design from the beginning of time (Genesis 2:15).


Standing Strong

Bible study from the life of Daniel. You don’t have to wait for a certain age to start serving God. Many teens – like David, Joseph, and Samuel – show how we can stand strong and obey Him NOW.

Standing Strong

Running The Race

1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Keep your eyes on the Prize. Running takes Self control and Stamina. In God's race there's a Sure Reward. Are you on the race track?

So Run that ye may obtain the prize. It’s a Race. It’s a Fight. It’s a Battle. But…There’s a Prize. There’s a Crown. There’s a Victory to be won. Will you run so as to be a winner? Will you win the prize? Are you even in the race yet?

Run the Race

A Place at His Table

Why do we come to the Table of the Lord? Communion is a time of Refreshment, of Receiving, and of Relationship. A short devotion around the Lord's Table.

The Table of The Lord

How To Find Peace

"There is no rest for the wicked". Peace is needed. Peace is a Person. Peace is promised from God. And you can experience it personally!

Finding Peace

Living in the Now

A call to action. God is in the now. Don't delay. Do it today. Make the decision now. This day, choose who you’re going to serve. TODAY, if you hear His voice… take action.

NOW is the Time!

How to Make Your Mark

Make your mark. In how you treat others and in your relationship with God. 1 Timothy 6:6. What will we leave behind? Make your life count.

Making Your Mark

How to Enjoy Life

How can I be happy? Blessed? Psalm 1:1-6. Enjoyment in life comes by faith. It's finding the WAY – the company we keep, the WORD – the delight we find, and the WATER – the freshness we can live day by day. Happiness is a way of life. It’s choosing a path. A way. A better way. A higher way. A nobler way. It’s a Walk. A Way. A Person.

New Year's Resolutions

It's time to choose. Joshua 24:15. How to make this the best year ever.

Citizens of Heaven

As God's people, our Citizenship is in Heaven. Our allegiance is to our true home, the Heavenly Country, and its King. As Citizens of Heaven we belong to a godly Community and ought to display a Conduct becoming. As a stranger and pilgrim our loyalty is to the Kingdom of God and we can know the joy of treasures in Heaven.

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Lessons from the Life of Job

The personal sufferings of Job have lessons for us today, in teaching us faithfulness, patience, and faith in God, no matter what.

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Bible Truth

Paul charges Timothy to hold fast the Truth. Truth is found as the Text, the Word of God. Truth is about Teaching - sound doctrine. Truth is being Turned away from in our day - it is unwanted and rejected. Truth brings Trouble, but it is worth fighting for, and we must earnestly contend for it.

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How to be a Man of God in a World of Sin

How to be a man of God in a world of sin. Paul challenges Timothy about what to Flee, some virtues to Follow, and also, of the necessary Fight. The making of a Man of God. How to be a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ.

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The Church Building Program

Christ is building His Church- as the Builder, the Foundation, and the Owner.  His Church is a Holy Temple with the Fear of God.  He is building us together for His glory.

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Saturday, 30 August 2008

Fair Dinkum #66 - May 2008

Download Fair Dinkum 66

I trust that this paper will uplift and challenge each reader. Fair Dinkum has been going around 20 years. Thanks for your support.

Real Christianity

Contrasts the false hypocrisy of the Pharisees with real faith in Christ.

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The account of the rich man and Lazarus.  What Hell is like and how to avoid it.

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Paul's Prayer

We can find a guide to prayer in Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3.

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Guidance For Life

How to find the will of God and do it.

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Church For You Australia

A history of the beginnings and activities of Church For You over its first ten years.

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Taking it to the Streets

Street preaching in the city.  Taking the message of hope and rescue to the heart of our city.

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The Model Prayer

The Lord teaches us how to pray. Our Father responds to our Faith as we make Him our Focus. Prayer connects us with Heaven.

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The Church in Action

Discover truths about Church like it used to be - in Acts 9:31; rest in the Lord, be edified, walk in the fear of the Lord, the comfort of the Holy Ghost and go with God.

Part 1

Part 2


Dave Griffiths shares of our Lord, forseen as the Lamb, the High Priest, and our Suffering yet Victorious Saviour.  Gather around the Lord's Table and remember Him.

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Honouring God - Bro Minnick

What does it mean, why, and how we can honour the Lord.  1 Samuel 2:30
...them that honour me I will honour...

Andrew Minnick from Cardwell, Queensland.

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Fellowship - Why Church is Important

Be considerate.  Be together.  Be ready for Christ's return.  Hebrews 10:24-25  Provoke unto love and to good works... not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together... but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

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Carry Your Cross

Challenge to count the cost, and carry your cross daily, and follow Christ.

First Love

The church at Ephesus is in trouble - with God.  The problem is a casual kind of Christianity that is just playing church.  A challenging message, to return to your first love.

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The Devil's Devices

Describes our Public Enemy Number One with his bewitching schemes, the trickster of most of humanity. He's beautiful, wise, the captor of slaves, and the leader of hordes. Yet his days are numbered. Wise up. Don't be ignorant of his sneaky schemes.

The Fatherhood of God

God as Father and what it can mean for you.

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The Compassion of Jesus Christ

He was moved with compassion and He still responds to the needs of our day.

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Go Ye Into All The World

The call rings out still to take the Message of salvation to our neighbours, to our World.

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Talking Right!

How to talk right and avoid the pitfalls of swearing, gossip, cursing, murmuring and disputing. Replace that with edifying, blessing and thanking the Lord!

You can trust the Holy Bible

The inspiration and infallibility of the Bible, our trustworthy guide for life.  Its message of hope is pure and true.  God's Word has been preserved for us today in the King James Bible.

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Friday, 29 August 2008

New site launched!

Welcome to the new website, we hope to be able to keep it up to date with latest news, sermon videos and notes, articles and snippets.

We hope you like the new site, please check back or leave a comment!