A wake up call. It is high time to awake out of sleep. The sleeping church needs to be stirred from its slumber! Many saints are like a sleeping man, spiritually they are become dull, without sensitivity and consciousness to spiritual truth and life. They are like Samson, become carnal and careless. God rebukes the slothful, yet commends the diligent. A call to awaken the church from its inaction, to new fervour. To watch and be sober. To be clothed with the armour of Light. Wake up Australia!
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1059.
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Monday, 30 December 2013
How to Work for God
How are we to work? To live the truly victorious Christian life? You are His workmanship - His work of art. He has a work for you to fulfil. He says, be stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Be unshakeable. Faithful. Fruitful. The constancy of the Christian. Let us all play our individual part in 'the work of the Lord'.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1058.
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How to Pray
Two people went to pray - but only one prayer worked. How are we to pray? What hinders prayer?
Will our prayer be marked with humility, and from the heart? How to pray - so that God hears you.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1057.
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Will our prayer be marked with humility, and from the heart? How to pray - so that God hears you.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1057.
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Friday, 27 December 2013
25 years on... and we're still 'Fair Dinkum'
Fair Dinkum's 25th Anniversary Edition - Number 70 - online now.
This link opens the LATEST MAGAZINE as a PDF:
Review past issues at 'Fair Dinkum' tab and click each issue - eg, FD70. The Magazine will open for you as a PDF that you can read, or print out.
Review past issues at 'Fair Dinkum' tab and click each issue - eg, FD70. The Magazine will open for you as a PDF that you can read, or print out.
It was February 1989 that I made our first 'Fair Dinkum' Magazine, on a humble typewriter, while Julie and I were living in outback Australia with our three children.
'Fair Dinkum' in Aussie lingo means real, true, genuine.
Now, 25 years on, it's still going strong! We've sent out over 80,000 printed copies. An astonishing 2.5 million pages, collated, stapled, and freely posted out to readers all over!
Monday, 23 December 2013
God Manifested
An encounter with the invisible God, Who has made Himself known. He is not far removed or hidden away. He visits us. His presence is evident, with His worshiping people. God is manifested, in the Glory cloud and firey pillar. He is manifested in the flesh - in the Person of Jesus Christ. And He is manifested today in the Body of Christ, the church of which He is its driving force.
Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.
It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1056.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1056.
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Thursday, 19 December 2013
Receive the Word
A library in one volume, with great power. It's the Bible. Take it in humility, and it will work faith, peace, and power. There's light, victory, healing, and ultimately salvation in its message. Appreciate its authority, its sufficiency, its promises, and its application. Be a doer of the Word!
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1054.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1054.
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Purity of the Church
God's design is for His church to be built after His Pattern. The strength of the church is its purity in doctrine and practice. It's amazing how God uses fallible people to be His living stones to build His church. I love the church! Thank God, He uses the imperfect to be His own special people, the called out.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1055.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1055.
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No Guile
God's people should be marked by their language - that it be alike to their Master's - without guile.
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Miraculous Conception
The miracle of the virgin birth and the wonder of what it all means for us.
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What does it really mean? What legalism is, and what it is not. Legalism is a 'label' that people can misunderstand and misuse. Legalism is works. The key is understanding Grace, which is our ultimate aim, and recognising the basis and source of Authority for our lives. Seeking to truly obey the Lord is Biblical and right. That's not legalism. Check your motivation. There's a liberty that comes when pleasing God is our driving force. It's not a yoke of bondage, but a freedom and a joy. Grace teaches us and liberates us. It sets us free in Christ.
Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.
It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1053.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1053.
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When I see the Blood...
The Passover is about blood shed, wrath poured out, and safety because of the Lamb.
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Battle Orders
Words of battle. A call to arms. Watch ye, stand fast in the faith. Summoning men to the front lines. To strength. To courage. The battle rages on. It will be won by Love.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1051.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1051.
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Saturday, 30 November 2013
WORSHIP IN SONG Instructions by John Wesley |
THAT this part of divine worship may be more acceptable to God, as well as more profitable to yourself and others, be careful to observe the following directions:
See that you join with the congregation as frequently as you can. Let not a slight degree of weakness or weariness hinder you. If it is a cross to you, take it up, and you will find a blessing.
Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength. Be no more afraid of your voice now, nor more ashamed of its being, heard, than when you sung the songs of satan.
Do not bawl, so as to be heard above, or distinct from, the rest of the congregation, that you may not destroy the harmony; but strive to unite your voices together, so as to make one clear melodious sound.
Whatever time is sung, be sure to keep with it. Do not run before, nor stay behind it; but attend closely to the leading voices, and move therewith as exactly as you can. And take care you sing not too slow. This drawling way naturally steals on all who are lazy; and it is high time to drive it out from among us, and sing all our tunes just as quick as we did at first.
Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing Him more than yourself, or any other creature. In order to this, attend strictly to the sense of what you sing; and see that your heart is not carried away with the sound, but offered to God continually; so shall your singing be such as the Lord will approve of here, and reward when he cometh in the clouds of heaven.
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Monday, 11 March 2013
Our Sufficiency
Our sufficiency is of God. The power of His divine enablement. The power from on high. Perhaps you feel inadequate - like Moses, Joshua, Ehud, Jeremiah, Gideon. We can find that He is enough. His great grace is sufficient. Not unto us, not unto us, but unto Thy Name give GLORY!
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1008.
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The Prodigal Son
The story of a journey from the pig pen back to the father's house. A life transformed. And it's still real today. Salvation is still a miracle today.
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Nehemiah means 'Yahweh Comforts'. A builder and a battler. A man with heart, and compassion. A man of prayer. A man of faith. A man of action. Will you go through, no matter the opposition? Will you face off to the Sanballats, Tobiahs, and Geshems? It's time for mobilisation, for persistence. Keep up the fight. We need noble leadership in these days. Humility and the fear of God. Dependence upon God. The Wall restored. The Word restored. And the Worship restored.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1007.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1007.
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Esther - woman of faith and courage. She trusted in God's care in the midst of great crisis and the nation was saved. A day marked for destruction was turned into a day of victory and deliverance. God gives opportunity. Will we seize it? Your life can make a difference. The glory of God was revealed. Perhaps you're here "for such a time as this"? God still uses ordinary men and women. Will you be an Esther? A Mordecai? Be available to do God's will.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1006.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1006.
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The Great High Priest
The Great High Priest is touched, in compassion. His grace avails today. His saving power is extended. Will you draw near?
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1005.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1005.
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Never Quit
When despair threatens, and it seems like all is lost. The Lord Jesus beckons us to find Life abundant in Him. A testimony of God's grace and saving power. A life turned around to find hope and sure peace.
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Set Thine House in Order
Hezekiah was facing death. God has set an appointment for us with death. Are you prepared? Is your life in order? Order is God's design for His creation, His church, the home, and the godly life.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1004.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1004.
Right thing, wrong way
A flashy new cart for the ark. Like the new fad gurus of churchdom today it was not God's will. Better rather to follow the scriptures and honour the Lord, than to provoke His wrath. A timely word for the church today.
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Strengthen the things which remain
God has a message for a dead church. The church at Sardis was well marketed, but lacked the substance. Churches are in decline. The Great Physician checks the pulse and the vital signs look dismal. A plea for a revival of holiness and spiritual life. As rain on the dry ground, God's Spirit is our source for yielding growth, fruit and genuine power.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1003.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1003.
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In Psalm 51 David's life was a shattered mess. Yet God uses him and others broken, such as Jacob, Joseph, Job, and Samson. Brokenness is everywhere. Broken hearts, homes, hopes, health... God's broken people can become the true heroes. As Gideon and his small army picture a broken vessel, our lives, shining forth God's glory. Brokenness can bring blessing, as we yield to the will of the Potter. He mends the broken and makes us whole.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1002.
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It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1002.
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Baptism Study
A man searching for answers has a dramatic encounter with God. God still opens human hearts. What does baptism mean for us? How is it to be administered? A wonderful picture of salvation, as baptism relates our identification with Christ.
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Which Way?
Which Way? Are you at the crossroads? Where will you turn? Take a different path, and find true blessing going God's way. There's a different company, a sure delight, and vibrant fruit. A life without God is vain. A waste. Judgment awaits. Choose wisely.
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God's Heart for Missions
Preacher Timothy Currell, missionary to Vanuatu, takes us on a journey through the exploits of the reluctant missionary, the prophet Jonah and God's strivings with him and Nineveh.
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My Refuge
When the storm comes you'll want to be in the safe haven of a refuge. God is a refuge for us. Jesus is the believer's refuge and safety. Come to the refuge of the cross and take shlter from God's wrath.
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Finding God's Will
How can we know God's will? Some tips to help you discern God's plan for your life. Find God's way in God's way - for example through the Word, prayer, circumstancesm and godly counsel.
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Bible Doctrine
The doctrine we love is Biblical truth, strongly held and soundly declared. Our spiritual health and welfare depend on it. Sincerity is no substitute for truth. Doctrine can be divisive in a good way. Learn to discern. The Bible must be our sole source of doctrine and authority.
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The fallen world has a magnetic influence and a soiling effect. A worldly Christian is useless. Let us steer clear of the world's fellowship, fleshly lusts, and philosophies. Be a set-apart people, with minds renewed and alive to godly principles.
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Born to Reproduce
God's people are called to be witnesses and take the Gospel message far and wide. A plea for evangelism from Bro Mario.
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Be Sober, Be Vigilant
A call to soberness and watchfulness. Our adversary is active and we need to be ever ready to stand with integrity and strength. The preacher sounds a rallying call to "join the resistance!" The church is meant to be an unstoppable force, empowered by God, to storm the gates of Hell. Let us take the offensive and launch a counter attack!
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Saturday, 12 January 2013
Spiritual Sacrifices
God has designed us - to offer up spiritual sacrifices. The fake, popular church has been redefined. The real is mocked and hated. A sacrifice must go through the fire. Will we be prepared for coming persecution? Will we abide the refiner's fire? Persecution is truly a blessing. A fiery trial prompts us to prayer, praise, and purity of faith and life.
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Mind Control?
There's a war on for your mind. An unholy war. A battle rages for hearts and minds. A deliberate program influences many systems across media, education, and religion. Where will we place our affection? Will the puppet master - the god of this world - pull the strings? Will we fall for spiritual and secular deceptions? Or will we discern Biblical truth?
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The Truth about Christmas
Are you willing to honestly explore the subject? What's Christmas all about? What is its real history? Where does it come from? What did the early church and credible Bible-believing Christians of yesteryear think of Christmas? An interesting study of materials gleaned on the subject. A wake up call to the masses who blindly follow an entirely pagan celebration. Slides adapted from ChristmasTruth.info.
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Mystery Babylon
Mystery, Babylon the great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth. What does this mean? Research the story of Babel and Nimrod, the false Messiah. The Lord says, "Come out of her my people." Vital truths about pagan roots that still impact us today. Christianity has been hijacked. A subtle synthesis is going on, of which most of Christendom is ignorant. The lemmings accept the popular myth and tradition, with out a thought about where the dangerous mixture is leading. Ultimately to the last days counterfeit.
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Quicken me according to Thy Word. It's time for revival. An awakening, a renewing of God's people. A refreshing, a returning to the Word, to the power of God. A plea to set your house in order - to a turning from backsliding.
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Bless the Lord
I will bless the Lord at all times. It's a decision. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Tell your soul to praise and magnify Him. Glory in our awesome God. He is our source of gladness and joy.
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Not What You Know
Not what you know - it's who you know. A personal experience of relationship with God.
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The Pillar and Ground of Truth
The real church of God is meant to be founded squarely, resolutely solid, and strongly exalting the Truth to a world that needs this vital message. A strong exhortation to a steadfastness and faithfulness, for a church that aspires to be truly Biblical.
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The Writing is on the wall
The writing is on the wall for our nation. Humanism. Materialism. Secularism. Broken homes. Our children are medicated. Our communities, families, and churches, have lost their way. It's now a hate crime to speak the truth. God is not mocked - as a society we face judgment. We've been weighed in the balances and found wanting. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Let us retirn unto the Lord.
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Human Relations 101
A crash course in human relations. How to make friends and influence people! How we are to deal with the different people you meet in your life. Some ages old wisdom from 1 Thessalonians 5 - some people need a warning. Some need comfort, or support. And there is one universal quality we need to display to everyone we meet! It's called patience. Vital skills on how to relate with everyone in your life.
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Rest in the Lord
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Trust in His saving and keeping power. He grants a blessed contentment. He can bring true peace in the worst of storms.
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Life after the grave
The record of Lazarus and the rich man. Of Heaven, and of Hell. A sombering message for a time when people forget God, at their peril.
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