Friday, 8 August 2014

You Reap What You Sow

Be not deceived.  You can't fool God and treat Him with contempt.  There are consequences in life.  You are planting seeds every day.  What will your harvest be?  Sow to the flesh and you will reap corruption and destruction.  Sow to the Spirit.  Righteous works will reap a sure reward (Proverbs 11:18).

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1112.

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Witnessing Hero

Caleb, man of God and his life of faith, confidence and conquest.

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God makes covenant relationships with man.  He shows grace with Noah, Abraham, Moses and David.  The new covenant is better and superior.  This covenant is final, fulfilled, and forever.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1111.

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The Security of the Believer is a great assurance.  We have passed from Death unto Life!  Salvation is a present possession - it means Eternal Life.  Our confidence can rest in the work that saves us - His Finished Work at the cross.  Is your name written down?  If you are saved, He holds you and you are safe.  You can rest secure in His Promises.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1108.

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Australia is a nation enslaved.  A people captured and held bound in the death grip of sin and godlessness.  Sin is like a prison.  A liberator breaks through the power of darkness.  His awesome power breaks the yoke of bondage.  He brings glorious liberty.  The Lord Jesus delivers us from God's wrath and from this present evil world.  He delivers us from temptation and from the snare of the devil, and sets us free like a bird released from a cage.  Your true Freedom starts when you personally grasp and realise the Finished Work of the Cross.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1107.

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The Master Plan

What is God's ultimate plan for your life?  Each of us are vessels - some to honour and some to dishonour.  What matters is what fills us.  A call to die to self and to live for Christ.  We shall be like Him.


Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1106.

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Believer's Baptism

What is baptism?  What baptism means for us.  A thorough study of what the Bible teaches us about baptism.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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Portrait of a Fool

What marks a fool?  Unteachable.  Lazy lifestyle.  Untactful tongue.  Ultimately a fool rejects God's existence, not just mentally, but by his outward actions.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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Excuses, excuses - The Great Supper

The Great Supper.  There was a personal invitation, a great privilege. It called for a personal response.  Many offered excuses - as other things were counted more important.  Each one has a personal responsibility, as we have today.  Will you reject or receive His invitation?  Will you be a part of inviting others?

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1105.

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Three Faithful Men

The city was in party mode for Babylon's big day out.  The king's rock band struck up the jazzy tune.  Yet three partypoopers would not go along and bow down - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  They rained on the king's parade and he was livid.  Lessons we can learn today from three faithful men.  Will you follow the crowd - and pay homage to Australian idols?  Or will you live under Biblical authority and know God's awesome blessing? Is it true?  Yes it is.  Our lives can be rightly governed by the Word of Truth.   We can choose good company - and stand with other faithful ones.  And whatever fire we face will be for our good, and for God's glory.  Don't bow or bend, but stand!

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.
It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1103.

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Holy Spirit Provision

Another Comforter shows us God's will and helps us walk in it. The Holy Spirit equips the believer with God's Peace, Power, and His Perspective - He shows us His Purpose for our lives and helps us to realise it.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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The Cleansing Blood

The crimson stream flows from the start to the end of the Book.  It cleanses the guilty conscience and effects a life change.  The Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1104.

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The Doctrine of Hell

Shocking but true.  A truth that should disturb and motivate us.  A horrific place.  Yet it points us to the love of God at the cross, where we can find refuge from wrath.  Where is Hell?  At the end of a Christless life.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1101.

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How to be a Greater Christian

A Christianity without limits.  You CAN be a greater Christian - go the second mile - go above and beyond.  Where will you set your affection?  A call to find greater grace, greater love, greater works, greater righteousness, and greater faith.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1102.

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God uses Losers

Missionary Rob Booy tells how God uses an unlikely motley group of men and women to be His chosen vessels.  God is at work in the nobodies all around us.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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His Coming

The Lord Jesus is about to return to planet earth.  This fact is a source of encouragement and hope.

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Dynamic Christianity

Is God at work in you?  How you can know the secret to spiritual power.  Realise your untapped potential, and your sure source of dynamic overcoming power.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1100.

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He healeth the broken in heart

God's ever tender compassion and comforting presence.  He sees the helpless and hurting and beckons to them still.  He will enter into your pain with His heartfelt care.  Will you call upon Him as He is passing by?

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1099.

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Precious Artifacts

In the letters of Peter there are precious artifacts to be found.  We read of 'the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold', and of 'the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot'.  He Himself is 'precious', as a 'chief corner stone'. Have you received 'like precious faith'?  Place your trust in the treasure trove of His 'exceeding great and precious promises'.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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The Beginning of Knowledge

An ancient book holds the key to unlock the mysteries of Knowledge.  Will we be a people governed, educated, and entertained by fools?  Or is there a better Way?  Forces hold people captive - from womb to tomb.  The Message is banned.  It's why they hate us.  Our nation's moral compass is broken. It's time to cross the line.  It's our sacred duty.  We must find the Blueprint for Knowledge.  The choice is clear.  Where is your backbone?  Will you stand?

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1098.

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A Famine in the Land

We are foretold a dire time of spiritual drought, a lack of Bible preaching, and Biblical illiteracy.   A reframing is going on - the planned deconstruction of Christianity.  People will not tolerate an authentic Christianity that speaks the truth.  It is 'a thought crime' to dare to be a non conformist - and to hold Biblical convictions.  Yet we must.  As in Esther's day, we need leadership.  We need to recognise a culture overtaken by a neglect of righteousness and a tidal wave of drunkenness, decline, and cultural decay.  A call for leadership.  Be like Esther and seize the opportunity.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1097.

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The Change we Need

Change has come - and more is on the way.  What is changing?  And what is the change we need?  A message about change agents, radical restructuring, global transformation, deliberate change.  We are desensitised to it.  The New Age worldview is changing everything.  A toxic culture is spreading like a virus, redefining everything.  Will we follow political correctness and consensus - or  dare to discern?  Truly, a great change is needed.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1096.

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For such a time as this

Esther bravely took her stand in a time of crisis.  This present time calls for God's people to stand up.  What will we do, in such a time as this?

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1095.

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Our Spiritual Debt

We have an obligation due to others - a message to deliver - a witness to impart.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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The World, The Flesh, and The Devil

The war zone has three battlefronts.  Strategies spiritual power and victory for your life. Find out some ways you can be a winner in this conflict.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1093.

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The Faith once delivered

People are searching for something to believe in - The Faith - it was once delivered - and we are called to fight for it.  An urgent call to stand fast for Biblical truth in an age where truth is being trampled underfoot by the ignorant and misled.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1092.

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7 Churches

The seven churches in Revelation.  What kind of church are we?  What does the Lord commend and condemn?  He is watching.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1091.

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Testimony of a Godly Mother

What are the qualities that make a mother?  God honours mothers.

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Separation (Psalm 1)

Blessed is the man...  God calls us to separation, commends separation, and blesses separation.  We are to separate FROM deception, doctrinal error, and defilement.  We are to separate UNTO heart purity, holiness, and to honour the Lord.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1090.

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By Faith Alone (A Good Report)

By faith we can obtain a good report.  What is Biblical faith? Hebrews 11 shows us where our righteousness comes from.   God promises Faith's reward.  What will you choose? The treasures of Egypt, or the reproach of Christ?  The heroes and heroines of the Hall of Faith show us that God can use the ordinary to be extraordinary in Him.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1089.

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The Right Focus

Paul in Philippians gives us a guide for life and how we can get the right focus.

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Authority Crisis

There is an authority crisis today, at the heart of which is man's rebellion. Authority is questioned and chaos results.  The doctrine of the Authority of the Scriptures is a blessing for the believer.  The Bible we know and love is stamped with God's final authority.

Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1088.

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Be clothed with Humility

The best dressed Christian wears this all the time - Humility.  A stark contrast between Pride and Humility.


Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s. It is available as a document/transcript at the tab above, called Sermons; search for number 1086.

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Gospel Impact

The Gospel makes an impact on a life... A message about newness of life because of the crucified and now risen Lord.


Note: This sermon is also available as an audio file (MP3 format) you can play/download from the tab above, called Audio-MP3s.

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